Chapter 11 - 'There's A Woman In My Dreams.'

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Klaus drove steadily to the safe house. Cami was in need of his help and she had to be safe. That was Klaus' priority at the moment. Wolfgang met them at the door alongside Hayley, who was holding Hope tightly. Wolfgang frowned at the hybrid and shook his head.

"Less tight, but keep it firm." Wolfgang commanded. Hayley obeyed and adjusted her hold over her daughter before she turned to Wolfgang as Klaus and Cami approached.

"You're really good at that." Hatley commented and Wolfgang nodded in reply. A slight smile played at his lips now that Hope had stopped fussing, "You'll pick it up. I just have more experience."

"I don't wanna intrude or anything." Hatley continued, realising that she knew next to nothing about the vampire. And yet, Wolfgang continued to intrigue her with his layers of mystery. "But do you have kids, Wolfgang?"

"Had." Wolfgang corrected her. His smile dropped as he spoke, a profound sadness in his eyes. For a moment, Hayley thought he might cry, "I had a son. But that was a long time ago, in another life."

They were interrupted by Klaus, who quickly walked up to Hayley and planted a kiss on Hope's forehead. He turned to Cami, who was in awe of the adorable child before her.

"Cami, this is Hope." Klaus introduced. Cami paused for a moment as she processed his words.

"But I thought you said -" Cami began before she returned her attention to the baby, taking hold of her and bending down to play with the infant, "She's perfect."

"Why's she here, Niklaus?" Wolfgang asked. Klaus frowned at the use of his full name and shook his head.

"Finn's on the warpath." Klaus explained before he turned to Hayley, "I'm sorry, Little Wolf, but we have to return to New Orleans."

Hayley frowned but nodded nonetheless before she handed Hope over to Klaus.

"Must be hard for you to leave Elijah." Wolfgang called out. Hayley paused and turned to face the vampire, eyes wide, "Supernatural hearing, try to be quieter next time."

Hayley looked shocked and walked away before Wolfgang sighed and sat down on the porch, "Hard to imagine Elijah is getting some and I'm not. Though with Camille here, that might change."

Klaus growled at Wolfgang's words and the vampire smiled before he bared his fangs at him. Cami sighed at the rise in testosterone and snapped her fingers.

"Yoohoo, right here." Cami said and Wolfgang smiled at her before he calmed down. It was clear that he had only said it to get a reaction out of Klaus, which he had.

"Watch your mouth." Klaus warned, "Even if I can't kill you, I have ways of making you suffer."

Wolfgang shuddered as he thought back to the twenty years he had spent dessicated at Klaus' hands. It was not an experience he would like to repeat.


Wolfgang was sat in a chair as he sighed deeply. Apparently Klaus had arranged for Cami to give him a therapy session.

"I don't need this. I have a PhD in psychology already." Wolfgang sighed and Cami piqued up at his words.

"Then you should know that you need help." Cami replied and Wolfgang settled into the seat with a huff.

"I'm going to do what I do with Klaus. You're going to talk about a period in your life and I'll ask you questions." Cami began. Wolfgang rolled his eyes and poured himself a drink, "So, what do you want to talk about?"

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