Chapter 8 - 'Once Again, Wolfgang Saves The Day.'

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"Where is my brother?" Klaus questioned as he snapped the witch's arm. The woman in question kept quiet before Klaus sighed and turned to Wolfgang.

"She's all yours." Klaus stated and Wolfgang smiled before he launched at her throat and sank his fangs into her neck, pulling back only when the witch's head severed from her neck from the force of the feed.

Hayley walked in and immediately frowned at the sight of the many decapitated witches in the courtyard. She paused as she looked at Klaus and Wolfgang.

"Any developments?"

"Esther has Elijah. We can't take her on fully, she's too powerful." Wolfgang replied and Hayley nodded before Klaus spoke.

"We intend to draw her out so I can rescue my brother." Klaus elaborated. Hayley sighed before she walked forwards, "I'll help."

"No you won't. My mother is a master at manipulation and strategy. She will use you to get to me so you need to stay out of harm's way." Klaus replied before he walked off. Wolfgang gave a Hayley a sympathetic look before he followed.


Wolfgang picked up the lighter as Klaus dumped the coffin on the ground. The furious hybrid turned to a starling and smiled cruelly.

"I'm going to bloody burn your body, Mother, how about that?" Klaus spat as Wolfgang prepared to drop the lighter.

"Niklaus, Wolfgang." Elijah called out and the two turned to the Original. Elijah stood there before the two and Wolfgang narrowed his eyes at him before he sighed.

"Klaus." Wolfgang warned, seeing past the illusion and the hybrid turned to his friend, "What?"

"That's not Elijah." Wolfgang replied and Klaus frowned before he realised what Wolfgang meant.

"Come here and face me, Mother." Klaus shouted and Esther walked over to them from a distance. She paused as she was a few feet away.

"Where is my brother?" Klaus asked and Esther shook her head as she sighed. Wolfgang tensed and prepared to kill her, "He's with me, finding his way. I will return him when I'm done but in the meantime, all I ask is that you hear me out."

"Why should we listen to you, you treacherous bitch?" Wolfgang spat and Klaus held up a hand, taking charge.


"Wolfgang is right, I've lied in the past, but now I'll tell you the truth. No matter how ashamed of it I am." Esther began, turning to the ruined plantation.

"You never intended to make a true home here. Even as Elijah and Rebekah fought for you and Hayley carried your child." Esther said, Wolfgang and Klaus tensed at the mention of Hope, who was not so dead, "All you wanted was this city and that was all you focused on, how did that work out?"

"Feel free to choke on your motherly critique. You're one to talk, Esther." Wolfgang spat and the witch shook her head. Esther turned to the enraged vampire.

"Leave me and my son to talk."

"Wolfgang stays, he's more family than you are." Klaus said in his defence. Esther sighed as she realised neither of them would back down.

"You are stuck in an endless cycle, my son." Esther continued, "A perpetual cycle of despair that causes harm and suffering to those closest to you, even your own blood. Even Wolfgang, your most trusted ally, has suffered from your wrongs."

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