Chapter 36.) Sparks Will Fly...

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This marks the first time in history where Virginia suffers a harsh winter. We're used to seeing other cities living through blizzards but not here in a hometown that's supposed to be warm and a tad bit cold. Meteorologists are saying this could last a few days but hopefully, it doesn't go into Christmas, I know a lot of families are trying to get home to their families but if you don't have to be out, stay in. I'm here standing in three feet of snow and the winds are going sixty miles, for your safety and your families, stay indoors.

Cutting the tv off, Reign stared at the slightly gray skies and sighed. It was December twenty-third, two days until Christmas and the blizzard was still there.

"Baby girl," Yae'Shawn mumbled reaching for her.

"We're snowed in Shawn," she muttered.

"I know ma, lay down it's early,"

"Can't sleep... it'z only six,"

"In the morning," he chuckled pulling her down and she buried her face in the crook of his neck.

"Why were you crying earlier?" He asked rubbing her back.

"Bad dream," she replied then yawned.

"You ok now?"

"Mhm," she nodded closing her eyes and wrapped her leg around him. "I'm cold,"

"I know, I think the storm fucked up the heat.... I'll fix it," he sighed about to get up but she stopped him.

"I'll be ok," she mumbled.

"You're shaking Des,"

"I'm ok," she promised.

Sitting up, he grabbed the folded blanket and pulled it over them and laid back. Pulling her into him, he played in her hair and rubbed her back trying to warm her up.

"Shawn," she called softly.


"Kiss mi,"

"Must you be so horny?" He chuckled leaning back and tilted her chin.

           "Don't yuh love mi?" She giggled.

         "Eh... not really," he joked then laughed when she hit him.

         "I'm playing baby," he chuckled before pulling her face towards his, he brushed his lips over hers before taking her top lip into his mouth and kissed her slow.

           Letting her hand fall from his hair, she slid it inside his sweats and stroked his dick slowly as their heads moved in a synchronized circular motion.

          Biting down on her lip, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth and groaned as his dick hardened. Pushing his sweats down, he deepened the kiss and lifted her leg as he eased inside her.

           "Fuck," they mumbled breaking the kiss.

          Gripping her face, he held her gaze as he thrusted into her slowly.

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