Chapter 42.)

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        "What are you wearing?" Keenan asked, looking Renae's outfit over.

         "Clothes?" she confusedly replied

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         "Clothes?" she confusedly replied.

         Looking her over again, he shook his head. "I'ma need you to change,"

          "It's ninety-four degrees today, I'll be eighteen in two weeks," she reminded.

        "I'm not bringing you around Malik and my niggas l—"

         "If you're concerned about your friends making a pass at me or sexualizing me because of my outfit, that says a lot about the company you keep. I'm tired of wearing those big sweaters, I'm almost legal and you're trying to be my daddy," she fussed.

         "You wanna check your attitude?" He eyed her.

        "I'll go back inside my room, doesn't matter," she shrugged ready to push open the hotel room door but he stopped her.

       He could admit, he wasn't being fair. She finished school a year early and wanted to have some sort of fun to forget her personal problems, he would let her slide this time.

         "Aight man," he walked ahead of her.

         "I think men should stop telling women to be mindful of what they wear because they know their friends are perverts," she said as she followed behind him.

         "None of my niggas are like that, watch yourself," he warned.

         "Hard to tell," she shot back then frowned when he hit her.

         "What the hell was that for?"

         "This new attitude of yours is outta pocket. You know I love you like a sister but chill the fuck out,"

          Frowning, Renae stared at his dull eyes momentarily then nodded walking around him.

         He didn't even realize that he resembled his aunt and that was the scary part. . .

        Making it to the neighborhood cookout in under thirty minutes, Renae awkwardly looked around at everyone laughing, dancing, eating, playing spades, rolling dice, and making dope deals. This was supposed to be a cookout for the neighborhood but it looked as if four other neighborhoods were involved.

         With the good ole 90s hip hop playing, Renae looked around for familiar faces but only knew of Malik and like two of Keenan's other friends.

        With her iPod in one hand and her cup of sprite in the other, she kept her head down as she maneuvered through the crowd until she approached Malik.

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