Chapter 63.) July 30th

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        "Baybeh?" King called Renae as he strolled through the house looking for her.

        "Yeah?" she answered softly. Today was one of her bad days; she felt less active than usual and fatigue. She also has been complaining of severe abdominal pain, excruciating back pain, and always having to pee.

        Entering the room, King stared at her for a moment and Renae smiled beckoning him over with her hand.

       "I told you I was fine."

      "Tha' surgery was supposed to help you, not do more damage," he reminded as he climbed in bed behind her and pulled her body into his.

        "It's not the surgery, maybe it's just my body... it's been through a lot."

        "You pushed out five kids, survived being shot multiple times... but your body can't jump back in tha' game after a gastrectomy? Nah," he shook his head.

        "Recovery is a process, babe..."

       "You damn near dead, fuck kinda recovery is dis?" he frowned and she laughed.

       "It's not funny, Nae."

       "I know... but I'm sure your face is all frowned up, isn't it?" she asked, turning her head toward him some and he smirked.

        "Not everything is a joke, lil girl," he said and she smiled.

       "I'm sorry,"

        "Mhm," he hummed, grabbing the remote and cut the tv on.

       "You think you can eat a sandwich for me?" he asked, seeing that she was about to fall asleep.

        "In a little while," she mumbled, closing her eyes and moved closer to him.

       That was another thing he hated, her appetite seemed to be becoming nonexistent.

        "If you start to feel off, let me know,"

       Smiling, she nodded.

       King turned over on his back and pulled her on top of him. Resting his hand on her back, he flipped through the channels as Renae slept...

         Years ago

"Must you be so close?" Renae laughed, looking at King when he climbed in bed beside her.

"What's wrong with dis? My breath stink or something?" He furrowed his brows and she laughed shaking her head.

"It never does, I'm just saying."

"Mhm," He eyed as he moved over.

Grabbing her journal, she picked up her pen and stared at the poem she written so far. She could feel King's eyes on her and she tried to ignore it but he made it difficult for her to concentrate.

Turning her head in his direction, she rose a brow and he smirked.

"I can't stare at you now?" He asked.

"You wanna fuck or something?" She cut straight to the point.

"We already did dat," he laughed, sitting up and grabbed his PS4 controller.

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