Chapter 64.) July 30th-Bad News pt.2

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Years ago

"Two grams should be twenty dollars, right?" Renae asked Trouble as they sat on the porch while he taught her the weed increments.

"Prices aren't set or stamped, it's a business, but Yung normally has us charge dat and thirty-five for an eighth."

Confused, Renae's brows dipped in wonderment and he chuckled grabbing the bookbag full of already divided and bagged weed and pulled a few out.

        Dumping the components on the table, he slid the scale in front of her and placed the weed on top.

Renae watched the digits move for a second before it stopped at 3.5. "Y'all charge thirty-five because of the weight?"

The look on her face read, really nigga? You could've just said that from the beginning.

Trouble recognized her expression and laughed, "You're right and then you aren't. It's about quality and quantity and what's hot and what's not. There's always a new strand of weed being announced or created... look," he shook his head, realizing he was getting off course.

"Just peep game and you'll understand," he concluded and she nodded.

"Are you going back to work for Dajon's team or are you going back to the hospital with Alice?" Lucy asked Eve as they sat on the mat after their yoga session.

"I wanted to stay on with the team, I was offered a good deal but I don't want to cause any problems with the family..." she admitted.

Staring at her momentarily, Lucy just shook her head before speaking, "You chased after that man for years and when you finally got the chance to be near him, you dash? Do you not trust yourself around him or something?"

Taken aback, Eve's brows furrowed, "Pardon?"

"You said you were over him, so why pass up a million-dollar contract just to go back to making forty an hour?"

Quiet, Eve just stared ahead.

"You should know better than to let anyone come in between money. Yeah, his sister and wife thought you were trying to get at him, but a nigga only gonna entertain someone they want. So if his wife trust's him, she shouldn't be concerned about who he works around. He's a basketball in-between seasons. The only way a woman can lose a man is if he wanted to be set free in the first place, if he pays you little mind he's happy where he's at." she explained and Eve nodded.

"I'll think about it, I have until the end of September to give my final answer."

"Mmm," Lucy side-eyed her then smirked. "One thing about it, I ain't a scary bitch, which means, you shouldn't be either. I'm not saying work with the team to get back in Dajon's good graces, I'm saying, don't run from no damn money just because outsiders are unsure of how a grown-ass man can handle himself."

Understanding, Eve extended her legs and stretched one last time before getting up, "I'm having lunch with Alice, I might be late for dinner since we're going shopping after."

"Fine with me, Laiya planned a tea party at four, so she'll keep me occupied until then," Lucy replied as she stood as well.

Before Eve answered Alice's call, she stared at Lucy with a concerned look on her face, "When are you going to leave Andrew's ass?"

"I'm working on it," was all she could say.

Taking it for what it was, Eve left out, and shortly after, Lucy followed.

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