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Jungkook's world has come crashing down. One day he was the big bad alpha only to become an omega soon after. He feels disgusted with himself, and weaker than ever.

Namjoon's mother had offered to come and visit to talk to him but he refused.

Everything is different, suddenly his wolf is different, his instinct are different, he is different. He feels horrible now that his scent has sweetened and how suddenly he feels threatened by alpha's.

Yes, he's still strong and can put up one hell of a fight if he had to but he no longer has his alpha strength or aura. He carries himself differently, walks around alpha's to avoid a fight. It's only a matter of time before people in school start catching on.

According to Jimin many of them have caught up to Taehyung suddenly becoming an alpha. Baffled by the sudden turn of nature. The elder has done nothing to his his new status. No, the ex-omega wore only little blocker making it easy for people to catch on to the now stronger scent. Taehyung has been working out like crazy, but not much can happen in a week.

That's how long it's been since they found out their new ranks.

It's been over two since they visited Mrs Joru.

He hasn't been to school the past week, nor outside. He's been holed up at home where his parents have tried everything to get him out of bed. He did tell them about the situation so they could refuse Taehyung at the door when he'd come to visit. Which the elder did, everyday.

But Jungkook doesn't want to see him, or anyone for that matter. He doesn't want to go outside ever again. He only leaves when his parents are out or asleep to run to the store and grab some food.

Even Jimin hasn't seen him.

He doesn't want to know the way his body reacts to an alpha that's so close to him like Jimin. He doesn't want to suddenly enjoy his best friend's smell, he always hated it and he isn't about to change his mind. He won't let himself.

He's an alpha, he's an alpha and always will be an alpha.

He won't ever accept the fact that he's an omega. He was given the gift of an alpha and because he opened up his heart to let Taehyung in, to understand what living like an omega is like, it was taken away. He stood at the top of society and now he's fallen.

And god he hates himself.

He doesn't understand why he must be punished for trying to be good to his mate.

Mate. That's what Taehyung is. His mate, his soulmate and the one he's supposed to spend the rest of his life with.

He doesn't want to. According to the text Jimin keeps sending him, despite the fact that he doesn't reply Taehyung isn't hiding his status. He knows the second he sets foot in that school building they'll know, everyone will know that he now is an omega.

Groaning he lies back on the bed. Tears welling in his eyes.

"Stop crying!" He snaps at himself. Not understanding where the sudden flow of emotions is coming from. He never used to be guided by emotion and now suddenly they're all he can think about.

"I'm not an omega!" He tells himself, wiping at his eyes as he stares at the ceiling. "Please let all of this be a dream."

But when he sits he only bursts into tears when he sees that subconsciously he's gathered the pieces of clothing he, over time lent from Jin, Jimin and Taehyung.

"I'm not am omega!"

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