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Once Hoseok and Namjoon are gathered in Namjoon's home, —Jimin dropped of at his own— Jungkook tells them about what happened. Surprised to see Namjoon pinch his nose in frustration and Hoseok seems to be a bit lost.

"You can't possibly blame me?!" He says, he can tell they'll give him shit for what he's done.

"Can't I?!" Namjoon snaps angrily. "Do you even know what Taehyung is going through?!" The elder's voice is loud while he gets up from his chair.

"Yes Jungkook, what you're going through sucks and I won't ever tell you it's easy or fun but you need to stop blaming Taehyung!" The usually calm omega really lost his temper now. "Taehyung is trying, learning and all you're doing is trying to run from your problems by blaming it all on Tae! Meanwhile all Taehyung does is care for you!"

"How can you say that!" Jungkook jumps up from his seat as well. "He's been—"

"What?!" The elder snaps. "When you were too busy burying yourself in self pity Taehyung has been doing nothing but care for you! He went by your house everyday to check up on you and kept asking all of us on how you were! What did you do?!" Namjoon crosses his arms, voice calming a bit. "And when you two finally did meet again, did he immediately start yelling?! Did he immediately call you names or give out orders?!"

Jungkook stands frozen.

"That was you! You called him names, blamed him for something he could 't help and refused to see or talk to him. Everyone would get mad Jungkook and no Taehyung shouldn't have threatened to kick down your door but it's you who dragged that out of him!"

"So? You're choosing his side?!"

"No, I'm trying to show you how fucked up you've been towards him! Every time he got mad, besides that time with Jimin it was because you were being unreasonable! Calling him things that I would beat you up for if you called me them!"

Hoseok just looks at the two, unsure if he needs to intervene or not.

"But he got what he wanted! He's an alpha now and I have to be an omega!" Jungkook argues, tears threatening to spill any moment now.

"Yes he did but at what cost?! He hates himself Jungkook! Being an omega made him hate and fear alpha's, he has become what he hates and what he fears. So now he's trying to suppress that side of him— instead of control it— which he can't when you constantly remind him how much of a failure and asshole he is! So now he's stuck in this constant loop of self-hate, with his mate of all people only confirming what he thinks of himself which only fuels his wolves anger and while all of that is going on he still tries so fucking hard for you!" Namjoon is a little out of breath but he's determined to let the boy hear it.

"Fuck you!" Jungkook yells, wiping the tears away. "You just pick his side because you know him longer than me!"

"Have you heard anything I just said?!"

"Yes and it's not true! He's the one fucking things up! I'm the victim here!"

"Jungkook! Wake the fuck up, if it wasn't for you he'd probably be doing so much better!"

And that hits hard.

"Fuck you! I don't need you anyway!" He yells before storming off, quickly being grabbed by Hoseok who smiles sadly.

"I'll drive you home."

Y'all @ me: "you are evil itself and love making us suffer"
Me: *continuously crying over that one samsung commercial with the ostrich*

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