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"Which one does your dad like?" Taehyung asks when they're picking out snacks for later tonight. Jimin and Taehyung took Yoongi to the store and let Hoseok deal with Jungkook as the omega refused to listen to Jimin or Taehyung.

Yoongi points eagerly at something and Taehyung puts it in the card as Jimin comes back with drinks for all of them.

"I'm proud of you Tae, for getting out of there before getting mad." Jimin praises, a smile on his face. "You really are learning."

"Yes, but this alpha thing is really hard. I didn't know I had to talk to him about this." He mumbles with a frown.

"Well yeah, fighting is never good and if your omega fights then you teach him not to. Which means, no fighting for you either. You have to set an example."

"But what if someone hurts him?"

"Then you kill the guy."

The elder looks at Yoongi before shaking his head. "All these rules, do you get them?"

Yoongi shakes his head as well trying to act like he wasn't just slipping extra snacks into the cart.

"It's things that'll come naturally eventually, for now we're here to help out. Namjoon and Jin too no matter how mad you are at each other." Jimin reassures.

Yoongi huffs. "And Yoongi! I can help with anything!"

"Sure thing buddy." Taehyung says, leaning down to give the kid a serious look. "Do you want to help me right now?"

The kid nods eagerly. "Then go put all those extra snacks back."

Yoongi scowls, grabbing the snacks as he mutters under his breath. The two adults laugh while watching the kid do as he was asked.

"Good, now let's go. I'm sure they're done." Jimin says as they go to pay and walk back to the apartment.

Meanwhile in the apartment the three omega's are cuddling together leaving Jin to himself, the alpha scrolling through his phone.

Hoseok who's in the middle smiles. "So now what do we say to one another?"

Jungkook takes a deep breath. Wiping at his still teary eyes. "I'm sorry." He mumbles. "I really did treat you guys bad. And sorry for fighting you Namjoon."

Namjoon who's equally as teary eyed smiles. "I'm sorry for the way I said it. I shouldn't have yelled it at you like that when you were already feeling down."

"Now next time are you two going to fight?" Jin asks and both omega's quickly shake their heads. Both having learned their lessons.

"Next time we'll make sure you guys are not around." Jungkook jokes but quickly regrets it when Hoseok smacks his already painful behind.

"I was joking" he pouts.

"Wait did you punish him?" the eldest asks with wide eyes. "Why not Tae?"

"Tae wasn't in control of himself. So he and Jimin took Yoongi to the store to get us all snacks and drinks." Hoseok explains before pulling Jungkook a little closer. "So I took care of this little brat."

"You're mean." Jungkook mutters. "And a sadist."

"Yeah, yeah now you two hug." He says, and the two omega's lean over him as they hug one another.

"Friends again?" Namjoon asks.

"Friends again." The younger confirms, only to have their moment interrupted by the two alpha's and Yoongi returning from the store.

"Oh you guys made up already?" Jimin asks, setting the bags down.

"Yes now it's up to you two alpha's." Hoseok says, pointing at the two stubborn alpha's who both look like they'd rather swallow razorblades than apologise.

Jungkook sighs. "This will be fun."


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