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Things go fairly well up until lunch. Making their way to a comfortable spot to eat when suddenly Jimin pops up and smiles.

"Hey Kook, think we could talk maybe?" The alpha asks, only for Jungkook to glance at Taehyung before nodding. "Sure." He mumbles.

"Privately." Jimin adds as the omega gives Taehyung a look. The newly ranked alpha moves exactly three inches before standing still.

"Tae..." Jungkook mumbles, before going to walk away with Jimin, unaware of the fire he's awakening within his mate.

"What's up." The taller says, trying to sound casual. He's happy he can no longer smell his friend, he didn't like it.

"I know a lot had changed but I just wanted to tell you I'm not going to treat you differently just because of that. You're my friend, I'll treat you as such okay?" Jimin smiles kindly, leaving Jungkook's face to light up a little. The elder couldn't have been a better friend right now. This is exactly what he had hoped for. He doesn't want things to change between them, he doesn't want to have to bow down to someone he used to tease on the daily. He just wants his friend.

"Thank you!" He says, impulsively throwing his arms around the elder to pull him into a hug. Feeling the elder hug back when suddenly he's torn away from the hold.

In the blink of an eye Taehyung had caught up to them and he watches the man lash out, punching Jimin rather harshly. Not too hard since Taehyung still isn't caught up to his new alpha strength but hard enough for it to hurt.

"Don't ever touch my fucking mate again." The alpha spits, much to Jungkook's horror and instead of waiting to see how it ends he takes off. Running to find either Jin or Hoseok to drive him home.

He wants to leave. Taehyung just outed his new rank to the school and he wants to be anywhere but here when the news spreads.

He almost crashes into Jin's chest but stops just in time.

"Drive me home! Taehyung punched Jimin and is really mad!" He rambles, out of breath from the running he did.

"I can't leave, but here's my car keys." Jin says, handing the keys over to the panicked omega. Jungkook is too caught up in his thoughts to thank the elder and races off. Finding Jin's car only seconds too late when he feels arms wrap around him and pull him back.

"Where are you going?!"

"Please Tae, I wanna go." Jungkook's eyes fill with tears as the keys are snatched from his hands. "Let's go then, my place it is."

With his head hung low he allows himself to be pulled away from Jin's car and towards Taehyung's. He dreads whatever is coming next but the last thing he wants is make a scene in the school's parking lot.

( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

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