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Double update, make sure you read 7

"Hello Jungk—"

"Is there a way to turn this back?" He immediately asks, only getting a glare in return. He bows a little as he greets her politely. "Good afternoon Mrs Kim."

"Good afternoon Jungkook, take a seat." Mrs Kim says as she herself goes to sit down and pulls out a note pad.

"I'm not officially documenting anything, I do want to take some notes to help me, help you if you plan on returning are you okay with that?" Joru asks with a smile.

"I guess."

"Good now to answer your question, I don't know but it's most likely not possible. Not by nature and especially not with any human influence." She explains. "A mistake has been made and nature has gone out of it's way to fix it. As you've probably have experienced such a change in rank is mentally and physically challenging. If not needed you wouldn't be put through such a thing, let alone twice."

He nods his head. "So that's a no?"

"It's never been documented before but there's no evidence that it truly can't." She explains. "But maybe instead of changing things you should try and embrace your new rank."

Jungkook's eyes narrow. "Embrace? I'm not an omega, everyone around me kept telling 'oh you're such a great alpha for submitting', turn outs I'm a great omega."

"I understand that it must be difficult but you have Taehyung—"

"I don't talk to him anymore, I don't want to talk to him ever again. He stole my rank."

Mrs Kim eyebrows rise in surprise. The omega's words are harsh and a little unexpected. "Why do you feel like he stole it?"

"Because he did."

Mrs Joru sighs. "Male omega's are usually omega's because their bodies can carry children. With women it's way more complex than with men but with men it's quite simple. Then you may wonder, how does it that all omega men have omega personalities?" She sits up, a bright look on het face as she talks about what she knows best. "We start presenting at age sixteen however, before that it can already be proven whether someone will be an alpha or omega. Sometimes at a very young age already, males are sometimes born with reproductive organs like a uterus,  those things don't just appear out of thin air. However, they don't always fully develop to be functional but when they do start developing properly along come hormones and several other science things that makes someone behave like a 'typical' omega."

Jungkook listens with wide eyes. "Taehyung's are functional, his body can handle carrying a child, yours can not. Your body itself is strong and has easily grown to be an alpha and together with Taehyung you developed the skill to act like one, not be like one."

He snorts. "Did he tell you that?"

"It's easy to conclude with the two of you." She says before writing some things down. "Due to the fact that Taehyung's body was set up to be an omega and you could go for an alpha that's the choice nature made since true mates like you two are, require an omega and an alpha." She takes a deep breath. "However if you truly look at the two of you it's the other way around, you know that, Taehyung knows that and nature knows that."

Jungkook slumps in his chair. He knows it, doesn't mean he likes it.

"You do not have female reproductive organs so you won't ever be able to carry a child, Taehyung however still has those working organs."

He sits up at that. "Does that mean he still gets heats?!"

"No, heats come from our wolf side. Hence why omega's often want to feel their alpha's knot even though in reality it hurts quite a bit to take a knot. If we were to let our human side decide we'd tell alpha's to pull out before they'd knot."

Jungkook blinks a couple of times. "So he doesn't get heats?"

"Are you asking if you will get heats?"



Jungkook bursts into tears, startling both himself and Joru by the sudden burst of emotion. He doesn't want heats, or this dumb crying all the time and he really doesn't want to take Taehyung's knot. He wants things to go back to the way they were.

"Oh, darling calm down it's not that bad."

But Jungkook just wipes his eyes and storms out, grabbing both omega's waiting on him to drag them out of the building.

He can't and won't accept this, ever.

Stubborn Kook ):

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