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"Go away!" The younger grumbles, trying to shut the door again but Taehyung steps inside and looks around. "Are your parents home?"

"They're out." The younger mutters before storming off and upstairs. "Go away Taehyung."

The alpha feels a little lost. His mate looks tired, his scent is off and he is supposed to take care of him. He doesn't want to force Jungkook to do anything but since they've gotten the news two weeks ago the younger has been taking care of himself badly. He needs to do something right?

Alpha's guide their omega's. They don't order, they guide them.

Walking upstairs he knocks on the omega's door but there's no reply. He knocks again but again he goes ignored. "Kookie I'm coming in."

Opening it he's met with an empty room, walking inside he sees the bathroom is locked and he sighs.


"Don't fucking call me that." Is all he gets as a reply.

"Why not? It's your name isn't it?"

"Fuck you." Something inside Taehyung stirs up at the mean words. He curses himself for letting it get to him and finds himself wondering how Jungkook didn't let his alpha pride get the best of him. He had called the younger dumb and many more things countless of times and Jungkook snapped only once due to what he said.

He finds himself wanting to correct the omega's behaviour while he knows damn well Jungkook deserves every right to be upset.

Being an alpha is harder than he thought and being in this position now Jungkook might've been a better alpha than he originally thought. He spanked the younger when he was an alpha and all he said was that it was okay. He doubts he could ever gain that much control over his wolf especially after missing those crucial years as teen.

"No need to be mean, I just want to talk."

"Fuck off I don't want to see you ever again." The omega sounds angry, really angry.

"We're mates, we—"

"I don't care Taehyung, now go away I don't want to see you now or ever."

Gritting his teeth he tries to control his anger, knowing he shouldn't be mad. He has no right to be mad and he doesn't want to be mad, yet he wants to kick in the door and put the omega right back in his place.

"Why are you mad?" He says, trying to sound calm.

"Why? Because you stole my rank! You stole my life and now when people look at me all they see is a boy who was too much of weak piece of shit to be an alpha. So yes, I'm fucking mad at you and I'll never be not mad at you!" He hears the omega yell, clearly emotional as his voice cracks once or twice.

He finds himself mad, sad and confused at the same time.

"That's why I want to talk, I want fo figure th—"

"Open your fucking ears dick-face! I. do. not. want. to. see. you. ever. again!"

Taehyung slams his fist again the door in anger as he growls. "Get the fuck out of there and talk to me." He demands. His anger having won from his rational thinking, he really is done with the omega's unacceptable behaviour and isn't about to let the younger get away with it.

"No, go away."

He takes a deep breath.

"I'll give you three seconds, either you get out or I'll kick this door down."

Y'all too sweet ):

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