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"Why am I here?" Taehyung grumbles only for Jimin to shrug. "Namjoon told me last Friday to make sure you'd be here on Monday since you refuse to talk to Jin or else he'd murder me."

Taehyung huffs. "Jin and I weren't talking before either. He was a total dick to me."

"And now you're a dick to everyone, just go in I'll wait here." Jimin says, only for Taehyung to get out and slam the door in anger.

Ever since he's become an alpha people have been getting on his nerves like never before. He's always been easy to annoy but it's gotten even worse. The smallest things make him furious.

Everybody keeps telling him to keep it in check but he doesn't know how.

"You came!" Namjoon's mother says cheerfully, awaiting his arrival downstairs. "I have great news for you! Let's go to my office!"

Nodding his head he follows her, finding no anger towards the woman. Unlike other people who seems to drive him crazy, she doesn't bother him at all.

Once up in her office she smiles politely. "Take a seat if you want to."

He goes to take a seat, unsure why he had to come here so urgently. "As for the good news! Becoming an alpha will be like going through a second puberty!"

He blinks. "How exactly is that good news?"

"Meaning you'll probably grown an inch or two, you'll find it easier to build muscle and your penis will grow! Oh your friend ran out of here before I could tell him but he won't be shrinking anywhere! It's easier to grow than to shrink you know."

The alpha coughs awkwardly before nodding his head. "Uh— great? Was that all?" He mumbles.

"It will happens quite fast, so make sure to have a healthy routine set up so your body can handle the change well? If not, you might find yourself exhausted all the time." She pauses a second. "How have you been dealing with your alpha pride?"

Taehyung tilts his head up a little. "What did Namjoon say?"

"Nothing, but alpha's are—"

"I don't need to hear this, I don't want to hear this. Goodbye Mrs Kim." With that he gets up and walks off leaving the woman on her own as he finds himself angry all over again.

Everybody keeps meddling in his business when he already knows how to solve his problems. He needs Jungkook, he knows that together they can get through anything. They're mates after all.

Getting in the car with Jimin he speaks up. "Never force me to go here again, it's bullshit."

"Oh, sorry Namjoon didn't say why I had to force you here, didn't know it was that bad."

Taehyung scoffs before starting the car and driving off. His mind still occupied with the fact that Jungkook is the key to everything. Together they will feel okay and they can help one other out. The younger knows what it's like to be an alpha and he knows what it's like to be an omega, besides that the touch of a mate is always calming, their scent and their being as well.

All he wants is to inhale the younger's sweet vanilla scent, start their live together and now that's he's an alpha he wants Jungkook to act like an omega.

He wants Jungkook to behave.

Poor Tae ):

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