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Jungkook is amazed by the two together, it's barely noticeable who the alpha or omega is. Only when showing affection or when Hoseok gets a bit too excited it's clear who's who.

"Having fun?" Hoseok asks, once he's beat Jimin at a racing game. The alpha grumbling bitterly as he tries to take the loss without cursing.

The younger nods happily. "The happiest! Let's go play some MortalKombat. I'll kick your ass." He promises.

Immediately the two rush the machine excitedly. When they're selecting characters Jimin pops up, hand running over Hoseok's arm as he smiles. "No running off baby." There's not a hint of dominance in the alpha's voice. It's almost as if he's asking his omega.

"I'm sorry." The elder says and that's it. No fighting, no anger or anything any signs of annoyance.

Instead Jimin just leans against the side of the machine and watches them play.

Jungkook does stay true to his word and destroys Hoseok — in the game. Cheering happily when he's won.

Watching the elder's pout being replaced with a smile when Jimin pulls him into a hug.

Besides being happy for the two he fills with guilt. He did go off on Taehyung and yes, maybe the elder did deserve to have some sort of reality check but not in the way Jungkook did. His words were meant to hurt, if he truly wanted to help Taehyung grow out of his harmful ways he would have said it in a way that was encouraging him to do better.

He tried justifying his actions by saying it was standing up for himself, but instead of standing up for himself they way he should. He let anger control him.

He has been blaming Taehyung all this time but deep down he knows that the way things are right now, is how it supposed to be. He just has a hard time accepting it.

And Taehyung is struggling too, but instead of giving the elder a chance and helping him. He blamed him and got mad at the elder for something he had no control over.

"Jungkook~ what's going on in your head?" Hoseok asks, nudging him a little.

"I need to apologise to Taehyung." He blurts out, a blush on his cheeks as he realises what he just said.

Hoseok smiles. "You're figuring things out aren't you?"

He shrugs. "Maybe a little."

"And all of that thanks to me!" Jimin states, proudly tapping his chest, only for the two omega's to snort. "What did you do to help?"

"Well you didn't figure anything out until I came into the picture, right?" The alpha's lips support a smug smile as he proudly looks at the two in front of him.

Hoseok sighs very deeply, shaking his head a little before linking his arm with Jungkook. "Of course our great alpha and saviour, how could we have ever thought about reaching this point without your amazing influence."

Jimin pouts as Hoseok pulls the laughing omega to the exit to.

Jungkook is nudged gently, looking up to see the elder raise an eyebrow. "C'mon say it."

He smiles brightly as his cheeks are tinted a pretty pink.

"Dumb alpha."

things are going okay...

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