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Jungkook is literally fleeing his own home, fear causing his heart to race as he finds himself at Namjoon's front door. He had climbed out through the bathroom window and taken off.

He doesn't know whether Taehyung actually kicked down his door or not, he's happy he didn't find out.

Ringing the elder omega's bell he finds himself close to tears and when Namjoon's voice sounds through the intercom, asking who's there,  he can barely stutter his name.

"J-ju-jungkook." He manages to get past his lips before getting buzzed in. He quickly rushes to the elevator, his head spinning as he presses the button the the right floor wondering how his life turned upside down in the span of maybe two to three months.

At the elevator door Namjoon is waiting and he finds himself bursting into tears the second he steps inside the elder's apartment.

"Jungkook, hey what happened?" The taller asks worriedly. Wrapping an arm around the younger and leading him to the couch.


"Hey okay, calm down first deep breathes."

Jungkook can barely get himself together. Not used to the many emotions running through him. He never really cried and now suddenly the smallest things make him want to burst into tears.

"I'm going to get you some water and some paper towels for your nose." Namjoon says, quickly going to gather the things he said before returning.

A few deep breathes and several paper towel's later Jungkook has calmed down and sadly sips on his water.

"It's good to see you." The taller says, a smile on his face. "We've all missed you."

The younger remains silent. Not sure what to say to that. He's missed everybody too but he really doesn't want to face the other's.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

He remains silent, unsure if he wants to.

"Does it have to do with Taehyung texting everyone asking if you're with them?"

His head shoots up. "What did you say?!"

"Nothing, I only read the notification but didn't open." The elder reassures, worried by the younger's reaction.

"That motherfucker came to my house, forced his way inside and refused to leave then threatened to kick my door down so I ran!" He blurts out, part of him happy it's off his shoulders now. "He was really mad and it sc—"

"It?" Namjoon presses.

"It scared me." Jungkook mumbles, hanging his head low in defeat as his shoulders slump forward. He doesn't want to be an omega yet he is one.

"Yeah, Taehyung's been having trouble getting used to being an alpha." The elder omega sighs. "It's good your ran and I'll make sure Jin talks to Taehyung about this behaviour. You should never be scared of your mate."

"I don't want to see him ever again."

"You two are mates."

"I don't care." Jungkook snaps. "I hate him."

Namjoon sighs again, wondering how the hell the two are going to fix the mess they're in. "You don't and hiding is not going to help, you need to come back to school and get back on with your life. With or without Taehyung, though I think eventually you'd prefer with."

The shorter stubbornly shakes his head. "No, I'm never going to that school again."

"You can spend the night here, I'll ask Hoseok to come over and we can teach you the tips and tricks of being an omega!"

Jungkook abruptly gets up, shaking his head before bolting for the door. "No, I'm fine. I have to go..."

He steps inside the elevator and frowns.

"...and I'm not an omega."

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