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"Don't kill me!" Jungkook says once he steps out of the elevator. Hiding behind Jimin, which is quite the ridiculous sight, considering he's way taller.

"Okay." Taehyung says, a little confused to what's going on.

"We need to talk." The omega manages to say, still hiding behind his friend.

"Okay." The elder repeats, allowing the three to enter the apartment. Jimin detaching from Jungkook and together with Hoseok goes to take a seat on the couch.

"Let's talk in the bedroom." Jungkook mumbles bravely. The alpha nodding before the two of them make their way there.

Guilt filling every corner of the younger's body. Knowing he purposely hurt Taehyung has him drowning in it and he knows he should pay the price for it.

Once the door to the bedroom is shut Jungkook drops to his knees, eyes filled with tears.

It startles the alpha a little, he hadn't expected this.

"Punish me." Jungkook almost pleads. Watching the elder blink in confusion before swallowing thickly. "Why?"

"Because I hurt you and I-I'm so-sorry." Jungkook cries, the guilt finally becoming to much. He knows he deserves this and he'll take it. Alpha or omega, it's like Jin said, he made a mistake and needs to be corrected.

Taehyung takes a deep breath, not sure what to do. Yes, he was mad but seeing Jungkook sad like this makes that anger melt like snow in sunshine.

"No?" It's almost a question.

Jungkook looks up. "W-what?"

"Uh— I did some research on how this all works and..." The alpha pauses for a second. "Punishments are for correcting a mistake. Like when you took your anger at Jimin out on me. To make you realise your mistake and learn from it."

Jungkook still look confused.

"Showing up here, apologising and accepting your punishment shows you already realised what you've done wrong. Doesn't that make the punishment unnecessary?"

The omega blinks a couple of times. Barely believing what the alpha is saying and wondering if his words had really slapped some sense into him.

"Y-you don't want to punish me?" Jungkook asks with wide eyes.

"Want, yes. Really, really bad but that's more a personal thing than a discipline thing." Taehyung mutters awkwardly, a blush on his cheeks.

"O-oh." Jungkook gets up from the ground. "But I still feel guilty."

Taehyung nods. "Well uh if you want me to punish you, I'll gladly do it."

The younger shakes his head furiously. "N-no but maybe like a hug? Or an I forgive you?" He says now equally as awkward as the elder.

"Uh, yeah that works too." Taehyung says, a smile making its way onto his face. "I could use a hug too."

Jungkook doesn't wait for the elder to say anything else and eagerly wraps his arms around the alpha's neck. Pulling him as close as possible. Inhaling the cocoa scent he's missed so much.

Only to feel all anger and guilt fade away when the alpha pulls him in as well.

And for the first time since everything went down with their change in rank.

He feels like he's okay, with Taehyung.

Why don't y'all trust me to make a happy ending...?

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