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"Let me guess, Joon send you." Taehyung says when Jin comes knocking on his door. An excited Yoongi by his side.

"Yeah." The elder alpha says, stepping inside while Yoongi immediately jumps into the younger alpha's arms with a loud cheer. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Two weeks isn't forever bud, but yeah I missed you too." Taehyung mumbles as he hugs the pup back. "Yoongs honey, Tae and I need to talk so wait in the living room yeah."

The kid storms off, knowing Taehyung has game consoles he doesn't have home and way more than he himself has.

The two alpha's quietly walk towards the kitchen, taking a seat at the island on opposite sides.

"Namjoon told me only little—"

"Namjoon has nothing to worry about, I just lost control for a second." The younger interrupts, he doesn't deserve a lecture about self control. He was meant to be an alpha, he knows how these things work.

"Taehyung." Jin sighs. "It's okay to not have control—"

"There really is no need in telling me about myself, Jungkook must've exaggerated." He snaps, feeling anger rise.

"You threatened to kick down his door."

"But I didn't and I wouldn't have."

Jin shakes his head. "You need to give him space."

"Why we're mates." Taehyung says with narrowed eyes. "We belong together I can help him through this."

Jin is silent for a second. "He doesn't want your help."

Taehyung jumps up, hands slapping down on the counter when he does. "You don't tell me what my omega wants."

"Look at this behaviour Taehyung it isn't right!" Jin argues back, rising from his seat as well. Glaring at one another the only reason things don't escalate is because Yoongi walks in.

"Dad I'm hungry." The kid says only for the elder to turn to his son and smile. "Let's go home and eat. Bye Taehyung, think about your actions."

The younger alpha clicks his tongue in annoyance, not saying any goodbye to the elder but lowkey expecting a hug from the kid. But instead Yoongi is dragged out and he's left alone in his apartment feeling as angry as ever.

He knows Jin is right, he shouldn't push himself onto Jungkook like that but part of him needs it. He can't seem to get the omega out of his head and he can feel the two of them drifting apart more and more with every passing second.

It terrifies him to realise that if thing go on like this they might make things worse than they are.

The bell rings but he ignores it. He doesn't care about whoever is out there. He just wants Jungkook, he wants the younger's sweet vanilla scent to calm him down as together they figure out how to make things work. He can't do it alone and his new alpha pride refuses to ask for help.

He needs Jungkook but Jungkook obviously doesn't need him.

The bell rings again and he groans before storming to the intercom. "What?!" He snaps into the thing only for dead silence on the other side.

Just when he's about to hang up a voice speaks up.

"I-it's me, Jungkook."

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