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"Are you feeling better Tae?" Jungkook asks, unsure of what to do. The alpha is currently in Jin's guest bedroom, cuddled up in blankets and staring aimlessly. Both of them ignoring the voices from the other rooms.


"Is there anything I can do to help?" He wants to help, easy the elder's mind and help him feel okay. He wants to take away all the pain the alpha is feeling but he can't. He fills with guilt because while his mate was struggling with all kinds of things, all he did was run from his problems and make the elder feel worse about himself.

"Go wash that blocker of you."

He immediately rushes to the bathroom. Looking for Jin's un-blocker. Ripping off his shirt he rubs it on his scent glands. His heart racing, Taehyung wants to smell his scent to calm down.

Returning to the alpha's side he's immediately pulled into the bed. The alpha's nose pressed against his scent gland with his eyes shut and relaxing against his body.

It warms his heart to know that it's his scent that helps the elder calm down. His scent and hopefully his presence too. He shouldn't be surprised like this, he knows they're mates but still it makes his stomach fill with butterflies.

It's nice to take care of his mate. Of course circumstances aren't good and he would never want to see Taehyung hurt ever again, but... caring for him fills him with a certain warmth that he's never felt before. It's nice and comfortable.

With the elder pressed against him, he shuts his eyes, a bit sad that he can't breath in the cacao scent but happy nonetheless.

Maybe nature was right, maybe this was meant to be this way. After all, he does love cuddling with Hoseok and Namjoon, he loves it whenever he can help Taehyung out. He loves it when Taehyung is being a dumb alpha.

But are those really omega traits? Or is it just loving someone? Loving Taehyung?

The cuddles with other two are definitely an omega trade. Alpha's don't cuddle other alpha's or random omega's. He wonder's why, it's amazing and very warm.

Shutting his eyes he takes a deep breath, a content one. It's warm and peaceful here, cuddled up with his mate.

As if he jinxed himself their peaceful moment of warmth and calmness is disturbed by the door being slammed open and a small body colliding with theirs. Soft sob's leaving the kid's body, the sleepy mates immediately wide awake.

"Yoongi?" Jungkook asks as the kid cries into his shirt. "What's wrong buddy?"

He looks at Taehyung with a questioning look, not sure why the kid came to them. Why not Namjoon and Jin.

"D-dad's really mad." The poor boy manages to force out between sobs.

"Why's your dad mad?" He asks, softly stroking the boy's hair as he smiles reassuringly. Not wanting to upset the boy any more he looks at Taehyung who probably doesn't need a crying kid added to his already fucked up mood.

"I-I go-got suspended!"

Poor Yoongi

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