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"Kookie!" Yoongi yells, throwing himself at the omega who hugs the kid with a smile. "Hey Yoongs, didn't know you were visiting."

"I'm running away from home." Yoongi explains making Jungkook frown. "You came here on your own at this hour?"

Taehyung just grabs his phone. He knows he has to call Jin, it's his kid. "I'm going to make a call to Jin." He announces, taking a deep breath as his heart beat is picking up along with his breathing.

Yoongi just ignores the alpha, sniffling Jungkook a little. "You smell funny."

"Oh that's my blocker wearing off." The omega says, sending a worried look to Taehyung who's standing with his eyes shut, a hand on his stomach.

"No." Yoongi mumbles, inhaling deeply. "You smell sweeter."

Jungkook is silent for a second, eyes shifting to the pile of empty chocolate wrappers and the not so sad movie he cried over before looking at a clearly struggling Taehyung. It takes him a second before everything falls into place, lifting the kid off his lap he rises to his feet watching as Taehyung's head snaps up. Fangs out and breathing heavily.

The extreme chocolate craving hadn't been a random thing to occur, it's his heat. "Taehyung?" He says but the alpha isn't listening.

Instead he's grabbed and dragged away from the kid and into the bedroom. Door slamming shut behind them as Taehyung throw's the omega down onto the bed.

"Tae!" He yells, knowing the alpha isn't too much in control right now. Scrambling off the bed he backs away, fear rising in his body. "Tae, I know it's hard but you need self control." He says with wide eyes. "Please, you're going to hurt me!"

Meanwhile Taehyung is loosing his mind. He can see the fear in Jungkook's eyes and the distress in his voice but he can't control the beast inside of him. He can't get himself to back down. He wants to but he can't, he isn't strong enough.

"Taehyung take a deep breath, ruts are—" Jungkook can't even finish his sentence before Taehyung has pinned him against the wall forcefully pressing his lips against Jungkook's. His alpha strength making him stronger than usual.

"Tae!" Jungkook cries, pushing the elder off with wide eyes. "Tae go outside! Or let me go please! Taehyung!"

His heart racing as he looks at the hungry eyes of the elder. For the first time truly feeling afraid. "Please Tae, I'm scared." He begs, not sure what the elder will do but knowing the things that went through his own head when he was an alpha.


But it's no use. He's slammed against the wall once more, air being knocked out of his lungs as he feels his shirt being torn open. He tries to fight the elder but Taehyung is faster than him and has him trapped.

"Tae you're hurting me!" He yells, staring into those crazed eyes, hoping to get through to him.

"Mate." The alpha voice makes Jungkook's blood run cold. Crying and trashing as he realises what's about to happen. His head being pushed aside he screw his eyes shut awaiting the impact.

And god does it hurt. Taehyung fang's piercing his skin and drawing blood. He screams out in pain, body going limp as he gives up fighting. The pain is unbearable and he can only imagine what comes next.

"It hurts." He cries. "Taehyung it hurts." The omega voice is shrill and filled with fear, something inside him twisting as it all becomes to much. Another wave off pain goes through his body but this time the alpha seems affected as well. Stumbling back the elder doubles over in pain.

Jungkook crying loudly as he falls limb, sliding down to the floor. A burning sensation going through his body before a weird shock follows. He's read about this.

He rejected him as mate.

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