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"You didn't want ms to come here." Mrs Kim says as takes a seat at the side of the bed. He just states down at the sheets. Of course he didn't want her here. She researches omega's for a living. She'll immediately figure out something is going on.

"I just wanted to see if you took your heat well, but your refusal tells me something else happened." She mumbles before her eyes to turn at the snoring kid in his arms.

"I can almost feel your fear." She says before softly pressing down on the spot where Taehyung marked him.

She doesn't seem surprised.

"Why didn't you tell your friends?"

His eyes snap up. "Tell them what?! That we mated?!"

"That you rejected each other, or you him. Mates aren't scared of one another." She points out calmly before taking some things out of her bag. "Here, this tea will make you feel energised, and eat these. They're good for stamina."

He nods politely as he takes them.

"So which one is it? You rejected each other or you him?" She asks but he ignores the question and just strokes the kid's hair to calm himself.

"You can tell me." She reassures. "I won't tell them."

"I, him."

She nods her head a sad smile om her face. "It's hard for couples that switch ranks to make it through. Controlling a full grown untamed wolf is way harder than a pup that's still learning. That's why it almost never happens."

"We're fine."

"You could be." She then says, making his head snap up at her words. He could be fine? They could be fine? They could be together?


"But it's a long road of healing yourself, and giving him time to let you go." She then informs him. "Rejected mates can never become mates again, you know that. But they can be together, though it requires control and patience."

"But it's possible?" He asks with wide eyes. "Yes, but don't get your hopes up. It could take years. You might have rejected him but he hasn't rejected you. Meaning his wolf still views yours as a mate, as his property. You rejecting that makes him only more agressive and dangerous. You need to give his wolf to reject you too through neglect, which could take up to years. Hanging around him is dangerous and harmful to both you."

He sits frozen. Years?

Yoongi perks up. "Ten years?" He asks hopefully. "Eight is enough too!"

"Yoongi!" Jungkook scolds before sending the pup off to where Namjoon and Hoseok are waiting in the living room.

"He's a good kid." Mrs Kim says with a smile. "But yes, it could take up to ten years. You need that time to heal too, you're traumatised. Trauma needs time and care to heal."

"I don't have time." He says as he feels a heavy weight land on his shoulders. "What if after those years his human side has moved on too?"

"Then you both live your own individual lives. Without each other."

He shakes his head. "I don't want that to happen, I can't let that happen." Mrs Kim sighs as she takes his hand in his. "I don't want to separate myself from him."

"You don't have a choice, he already decided for you."



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