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Extra update sponsored by @saxopohistae

"Why did you guys get this one I hate those." Jin asks only for Yoongi to grab the bag with a deep sighs. "Guess I'll have to eat them for you." The kid mumbles, shaking his head.

"Yoongi." Jimin chuckles. "You did that on purpose."

"Not true, I really thought he liked these." The ten year old says making the group laugh at how silly the kid is being.

"Here you can have mine." Taehyung says. "I'm trying to eat healthier anyway."

Jin smiles. "Thanks."

The room falls silent as the eldest sighs deeply. "I never apologised for using my alpha voice on you." He then says. "For that I'm truly sorry, I had no right."

"Well, it's about Yoongs, so I get it but yeah different would've been better." Taehyung nods. "Thanks for apologising." After another pause he continues. "I'm sorry for being a dick and not listening to you."

"That's okay, I hate it when people tell me what to do too." The elder says, eyes sliding to Namjoon. The omega shrugs. "Don't hate the player."

"Well that went easier than I thought." Jimin says, rubbing his hand together before wrapping an arm around his to be boyfriend.

"Now it's our turn babe." He says and Hoseok nods before looking at each of everyone. "We would like to apologise for being perfect and making absolutely no mistakes."

Jimin nods. "We know it's hard on you guys to compete with us and for that pressure we're sorry."

"Oh my god shut up." Jungkook mutters, pushing Hoseok with a shake of his head. "You guys are horrible."

"Don't praise us too much Kook." Jimin laughs as he turns to Hoseok with a wide smile. "But all joking aside this seems like a good moment to officially ask you."

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" Hoseok screams, throwing himself at the alpha. Who immediately collapses under the weight as the two fall back on the couch, eagerly making out.

Jin quickly covers Yoongi's eyes. "Dad I know what kissing is." The kid pouts only for Jin to shake his head. "No you don't."

"I do!" The kid argues only for Jin to arch an eyebrow. "What else do you know?"

The kid immediately stuff his mouth with food and shrugs.

"Guys can you stop sucking faces or at least go to the guest bedroom?" Namjoon says and immediately the two are gone. Ignoring Jin's complaints about a kid being present.

"Joon." Jin sighs only for the omega to shrug. "What? You'd rather they'd feel each other up under a bl—"

Jin glares at him as he covers Yoongi's ears. "Not when Yoongi is around."

"I'm not telling them to stop, you do that." The omega says making the alpha sigh. "Let's just watch tv on full volume, Hoseok's loud."

"They know he's here, they'll keep it down."

But a loud moan indicates they won't. Namjoon jumps up before grabbing the two other's and shoving them to the door. "We're all going on a walk!"

Jungkook laughs while Jin looks horrified. Yoongi just looks a little confused. So they walk to the park where Namjoon and Jin hold hands as they talk.

Yoongi slips his hand in Jungkook's.

"I'm only ten years younger you know, you could wait that long."

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