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I'm so excited about chapter twenty but can't publish it yet ):

"I'm not sure dear, I don't specialise in these kinda of things." The nurse says as Jungkook stares down at the floor in defeat. She must know something, something he can do to turn this back around.

"But you shouldn't be down because of these changes, mother nature doesn't just change things for no reason." Her words are accompanied with a friendly smile but it fails to draw out a smile or even the slightest bit of relief in the omega.

"Well, thanks anyway. I'll get going now." He mumbles before bowing to her and mumbling his goodbye. There must be a way for him to turn all of this back but to find that he'll have to talk to someone who specialises in this kind of thing.

He sighs before turning to make his way to the school building where he knows he'll have to deal with stares. People will notice, their wolves will sense it.

But he needs someone with a car. Preferably an omega. He calls up Namjoon who doesn't pick up which only makes him more annoyed. So he calls Jin because he is too awkward to call Hoseok.

"Morning." Jin says.

"I need to borrow your car and Namjoon."

"What why?"

"Because his mom is a specialist and I need to talk to her about this situation." He explains as he approaches the building.

"Can't risk you guys being back too late, I have to pick up Yoongs." Jin mumbles. "and Tehyung and I aren't on speaking terms. "We weren't really before but now even worse. So I can't ride with him either oh wait—"

"Hoseok says he'll drive you and Joon. He'll go drag Joon along and then meet in the parking lot entrance." The elder informs before saying his goodbyes and hanging up. It's around lunch time so everyone's is out of the classrooms. He can feel eyes on him, people he vaguely knows and have seen or sensed him as an alpha before.

He pulls up the hood of his hoodie and goes to the parking lot entrance. Wishing the two elder omega's would just hurry and get here already.


He nearly punches Namjoon straight in the face due to how startled he is by the sudden voice behind him. Only to put a hand on his heart as he speaks up. "Don't do that."

"Greeting you?"

He snorts. "Shut up and call your mom, does she have time for me?"

"She'll make time, she was utterly heart broken she couldn't use you and Tae for research." Namjoon sighs as he pulls out his phone and exchanges a few texts.

"She replied?"


"My mom usually ignores me." Jungkook mutters only for Hoseok to nod. "Same, she never texts at work."

"Okay..." The tallest nods before changing the topic. "Anyway! We can come, so let's go."

They find their way to Hoseok's car and get in. Namjoon almost immediately falling asleep in the backseat when Hoseok chuckles. "His heat is nearing, always tires him out."

"Oh? Is he in preheat?"

"Not yet, probably tomorrow or the day after." The elder informs only to have his heart nearly stop beating as he realises that there's a chance he'll start having heats too...

Also don't be to hard on my baby Tae ):

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