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"Listen up kids! My name is Jung Hoseok and this is Kim Namjoon." Hoseok rolls a whiteboard into the room before slamming a ruler down onto the board. "And welcome to omega's 101."

Jungkook and Yoongi share a look, unsure whether they're being taught about omega's or going to military camp.

"The first thing you'll learn is that no matter what the world tells you. Omega's are not weak." Namjoon says, crossing his arms. "Secretly we're the ones in charge."

Yoongi sighs. "I'm ten." Is all he says before grabbing his nintendo to play a game.

"Solid argument." Hoseok mumbles sadly before his eyes snap to Jungkook. "You however won't get out of this that easily."

Jungkook just nods his head, unsure of what to say to such a thing. He thought he'd just be told a few facts, not get an entire presentation.

"As I was saying." The tallest says, pulling out a marker to write on the board. "We omega's are in charge."

"We are?"

"Yes!" Hoseok says. "When you've got yourself a good and nice little alpha, you play his little game. Let him punish you a couple of times, allow him to make a few decisions." He pauses "but you do all that just to wrap him around your finger. And once he's there you get full control."

"I'm not entirely sure where this is going." Jungkook confesses.

"We're explaining" Namjoon says with a sigh. "Look what I wrote down."

"Alpha's are human?" He reads out loud only to get startled when Hoseok slams his hand against the board. Even grabbing Yoongi's attention.

"Exactly! But we omega's are not! You might think alpha's are strong but we birth children, deal with alpha's all while working full time jobs and raising kids. We're superhuman and those dumb alpha's will find out."

Jungkook leans down to Yoongi's level. "I'm scared, are you scared?"

"A little." The kid mumbles.

"Okay let's tone down the military stuff, put away the ruler and whiteboard and let's do this entirely different." Jungkook says, watching the two elder omega's pout.

"But we bought the whiteboard and—"

"We can do other fun stuff, as long as it less scary." Yoongi says before jumping off the couch and clinging to Hoseok. "Teach me how to tease my future alpha."

The three adults fall silent. Sharing a look in a moment of uncertainty before coming to the realisation that Yoongi is ten.

"To annoy him." Namjoon says to clarify it for everyone.

"Yeah I wanna annoy Tae!" Jungkook says and Hoseok chuckles. "I usually tease Jimin by calling him alpha a lot and then— I mean. I uh, I'm going to make us drinks."

And off is Hoseok.

"Was he going to talk about naughty stuff?" Yoongi asks only for Namjoon and Jungkook to shake their heads. "No... no.. uhm he calls alpha a lot and then he uh— Namjoon?"

The elder looks just as hopeless before excitedly grabbing the two by the arm.

"You know what let's see how your dad is doing. He must miss you very much!"

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