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"No risk punishments?" Taehyung asks as he and Jimin are on their way to school, stuck in morning traffic.

"Yes, punishments where you can't loose control. You should discuss them with Jungkook but it'll give you both a sense of security." Jimin explains as he scrolls through his phone.

"And those are?"

"Things like taking away a phone, grounding him, corner time."

Taehyung frowns. "Aren't those a bit childish?" They really are, he doubts he could convince Jungkook to get in a corner and be silent. The omega would throw the biggest fit if he'd suggest that.

"Maybe, but they work and the more Jungkook gets used to his new rank the more compliant he'll be when it comes to these things." Jimin explains as he sips on the coffee they got on the way here. Which they shouldn't have because now they're stuck in traffic but they can't do anything about it now.

"I never accepted things like that."

"That's because you were not meant to be an omega. I mean look at Jungkook, he secretly loves being an omega. The cuddles, the attention and the fact that you're his alpha. He just knows how to hide it around you." It's true, Jungkook does seem happiest when he's cuddling with his friend's. Which as alpha he never could.

"I guess that's true, he really does seem happy." He mumbles. It's true, the younger seems go make a better omega than him, now he needs to work on becoming a better alpha. He won't allow himself to ruin Jungkook's growing happiness as omega by being a horrible alpha.

"Good now pop quiz!" Jimin says. "Jungkook loves to watch anime all night and skip school, what's your move!"

"I tell him not to?"

"He doesn't listen, what's the next step?"

Taehyung thinks about this. He's done tons of research on these things but it's still hard for him to make the right decision. "I take away his laptop for the night."

"Why?" Jimin presses.

"Because he needs a healthy amount of sleep so he can go to school and getting enough sleep will make him feel more energised and in the long run way better!" He says proudly.

"Bingo!" The experienced alpha cheers happily. "Does that mean he never gets to spend the entire night watching anime?"

"No, just not every night." Taehyung smiles as he gets another cheer. He is learning and fast. Jimin has been a real help, walking him through different scenarios and explaining what the course of action is. Slowly and surely he's catching on to the do's and don't's. It's still hard and his anger is still a problem but he's working on it.

"I really am proud of you Tae, you've been working on yourself like crazy."

"Thank you, Namjoon contacted his mom for me. Asking to meet with me and talk some things through. She'll see if she can help me but she's not a licensed therapist so if she can't help we'll look for a good one together." He says proudly, he is making steps for himself and for Jungkook. He knows he'll make the omega happy some day, that day hopefully coming soon.

"Wow really? That's amazing!" Jimin compliments. "You'll be a great alpha soon!"

Taehyung sighs.

"I hope so."

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