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Y'all are to sweet, it's 4:22 am gn darlings.

Fighting the tears he remains on his knees, unable to convince himself to leave as he awaits his next order.

But nothing comes, instead he looks up to the elder stumbling back with wide eyes, filled with disbelief and regret.

"Jungkook I'm sorry! I didn't mean— I lost control I promise I didn't mean to do that I'm so sor—"

The younger grits his teeth. "For what? Becoming everything you hated most or being a piece of shit in general?!"

"I need you Jungkook, please I need you." The alpha says now getting down to his knees as well. "I don't know how do this without you, you're the only one that can help me."

"I don't want to." Jungkook croaks. "You wanted to be an alpha, you stole that from me. Now deal with the consequences."

"I didn't steal it! How was I supposed to know things would turn out this way? I couldn't have known, you can't be mad at me for that, it wasn't my fault." Taehyung says, softly pulling the omega into a hug. Feeling the younger tremble in anger and sadness.

"I hate you." Jungkook cries. "So much."

"That's okay, hate me but please don't leave me." The alpha almost begs.

Jungkook just cries. Unsure of what to do and unsure of whether he can be strong enough to be with Taehyung. Strong enough to handle being an actual omega. He wants to, but he also doesn't.

He hates being an omega, but he also hates seeing his mate like this. Taehyung is right, neither of them could've seen this coming. Neither of them could've changed the outcome, after all they are mates.

He doesn't want to leave Taehyung, but he doesn't want to stay either. He can't stay. Staying with Taehyung would mean becoming an omega and being treated like one.

"Kookie." The alpha says softly pulling back from the hug, cupping the omega's face tenderly.

"Don't call me that." Jungkook says brokenly.

"Help me." Taehyung almost pleads as Jungkook just sits frozen, unsure of what to do or say. His head hurts from thinking too much and he's cried more than ever in his lifetime.

"I can't." He says. "I don't want to be your omega."

"Then don't." The alpha says, surprising the younger a little. "Don't be my omega but be my friend. I need you, my wolf only listens to you. I need you, my Kookie."

Jungkook bites his lips. Heart aching for the
elder as his wolf howls. Finding himself not strong enough to get up and go.

"Okay." He chokes out. "I'll be your friend."

Taehyung's eyes light up and a he smiles widely making Jungkook's heart skip a beat. Only now realising how much he's actually missed the elder.

The alpha gets up from the floor, helping him up as well.

"You can't use your alpha voice on me when things don't go your way." Jungkook says crossing his arms.

"I won't, that was a horrible." The elder says. "I don't know where that came from."

The omega nods before hesitating as he speaks. "You also can't rely on me to fix whatever is going on with you. Yes, I'm your mate but in the end you have to make yourself less of a shitty alpha, yes, I can help you but you can't rely in me to make you a good alpha, you do that." He pauses, his mind racing as he continues talking.

"And if you keep being such a shit fucking alpha, you have to do it without me."

(╯°□°)╯︵ (\ .o.)\

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