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Double update???

The numbers behind some sentences refer to the chapters it happened so you can check things out or whatever.

Jungkook is holed up in Jimin's guest bedroom, drowning in self pity with no one to talk to. Jin and Jimin won't understand and Hoseok and Namjoon have picked their sides.

The latter's words still echoing through his mind.

That first day Taehyung came in, (3) he was indeed not angry or mean. It was he, himself that started calling the elder names, blaming him for what happened while it wasn't the elder's fault, telling the alpha the never wanted to see him again. That was him, and an already short tempered Taehyung with a brand new wolf, got mad, but only after Jungkook said all those mean things.

Then they're moving on to later that night when he showed up at the alpha's apartment. (6) Not willing to talk but demanding an apology, ignoring Taehyung's attempts to talk things over and calling him names once more. Blaming the elder for anger that was pretty justified. He has to admit, if Taehyung had started blaming him and called him names he'd get mad too. Then when he left he said those hurtful words.

And then when he showed up at his house when he was fighting with his parents, (11) he slammed the door in the elder's face and ran. And when Taehyung confronted him about it all he said was that he didn't want to see him again. Yes, Taehyung shouldn't have forced him to come to his house that was totally bis fault. But even after being rejected so harshly and hurt like that the elder was honest about what he wanted, that he wanted to punish him. Yet the alpha hadn't moved attempted to actually do it. (12) And even as the elder practically begged for his help, he refused to see past his own struggles to see the elder suffer under the new changes as well. Maybe even more than he is.

The elder using his alpha voice was wrong, he won't change his mind on that. Though he does realise how hopeless he must've made the elder feel by not being willing to listen. Taehyung had immediately tried apologising, which he had cut off as he once more called him names and a shitty alpha. (13) Going as far as saying he hates him and blaming him for everything again.

Then there was that moment in the car, (14) where Taehyung empowered him not as omega but as Jungkook. Giving him the strength to walk into that school with his head held high, even protecting him from Jimin's scent. (15) Punching Jimin was uncalled for and did have nothing to do with Jungkook whatsoever. (16) That was completely alpha Tae's fault. Forcing him to go this his house once more wasn't too great either. And no, the elder shouldn't have yelled at him for hugging Jimin, (17) but the second the omega had voiced his discomfort, to which he immediately got an apology. Only to use Taehyung's guilt against him, by yelling at him and trying to walk away from his problems. (18) Only to push the elder when he tried to stop him, which is still reasonable in his eyes. And Taehyung did stay calm, he honestly voiced what he wanted but he let Jungkook decide what happened. And instead of being thankful or even nice about it. Jungkook chose to acknowledge it as little as possible.

Then after that they did have a fairly calm conversation, (19) in which Taehyung was very honest about his own errors. To which he responded with a question he knew he wouldn't like the answer to. (20) And when Taehyung did try answering he was the one to call names again and actually call the alpha a horrible human being.

And finally, after arcade afternoon, when they went to Taehyung's home. He asked for punishment and Taehyung was the one to be reasonable. (23) Honest, in his personal want for it but reasonable to say he didn't deserve it. Then when they hugged it out and things finally seemed okay, he was the one to call names again. (24) Hurt Taehyung all over again even after the alpha had proven that he isn't as bad as Jungkook makes it out to be.

And even when the alpha broke down in front of him. He refused to help the alpha out and acknowledged the fact that Taehyung is just as messed up in the new situation as he is.

But now, looking back at it. All he can do is cry because all this time Taehyung really had been trying.

It was him, Jungkook, that kept messing things up and running away from problems. He was the one hurting Taehyung.

Because he's called the elder horrible things, more times than he can count. Told his mate he never wanted to see him again and despite those things Taehyung kept trying for him.

And when he truly thinks about it. The alpha did say his disobedience angered him but not once did he actually ask for blind obedience. Instead he told him in the car, that he wanted him to be himself, he says mate instead of omega.

Yes, Taehyung's wolf does get angered by disobedience but Taehyung never asked for it despite that anger. Besides that Taehyung also never asked him to be okay with the new ranks or to embrace it. All the elder really wanted was to talk and for them to help each other.

Coming to all these realisations, Jungkook swallows thickly because maybe, just maybe... he did fuck things up a little too.

@saxophonistae : goes to sleep
Me: Double update!!

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