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"You're only making me more curious you know." The younger says, pulling on the elders arm. "C'mon let me peek inside that head of yours!"

Taehyung just blushes even more before shaking his head. "Let's move to another topic." He suggests before quickly doing so. "How has the omega rank been treating you?"

"Bad." The younger mutters. "I cry so much and I feel guilty all the time and even now the dumb beast is howling and crying in guilt but what do I have to be guilty for?!" Jungkook ask poking his own belly. "I really don't get my wolf."

"I had that too, that'll go away." Taehyung says. "It's just the omega getting used to you and everyone around you. At first it'll want to serve every alpha and later it will be able to tell the difference between me and Jimin and a stranger. Then you'll develop into either a Namjoon or a me, seemingly calm and not to be messed with or always ready to fight."

Jungkook snorts. "Maybe I'll become one of those really obedient omega's. One of those who immediately bow when they see you." He says only for Taehyung to scrunch up his nose.

"Ew no, I'll raise you better than that."

"Raise me?!" Jungkook laughs, for once not getting mad but also not feeling like he's being made to be an omega.

"Yeah we'll work out together and then when I'm too lazy to fight some alpha that flirts with you, you can fight for yourself." The elder teases only for Jungkook to snort. "As if that'll happen, your alpha pride won't let you."

Taehyung sighs heavily. "This is no fun, you know all the alpha secrets. How am I supposed to tease you now?" He asks with a deep sigh.

"What about me? Now you'll always see straight through my lies." The omega says with a playful pout.

The elder tsk's. "As if, you'd still be able to trick me as long as you use that horrible lost puppy look you used when we were kids."

"Horrible?! I always got what I wanted." Jungkook says smugly.

"That's why it's horrible, I can't resist it." The alpha sighs, nudging his mate's side with a smile.

They laugh softly before both turning silent. Enjoying the nice and tranquil moment. For once there's no yelling or anger but just two mates having a good time. No ranks, just love.

Only for it to be rudely disturbed when Jimin comes walking in talking on the phone.

"Oh Tae's here. I'll talk to you later baby." He says before hanging up the phone. "I thought you two hated each other? What's going on is this a prank?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "No, don't be a dick."

Taehyung shifts in his seat as Jimin sighs. "Fine, I'll go get us drinks then."

When Jimin is gone Taehyung slowly leans into the omega but does keep a little distance. "Not to be the big bad alpha or possessive but I'd rather you stay at an omega's house."

"Because they can't suck my dick?" The younger asks innocently only for the alpha's eyes to widen as he scoots as far away as possible.

"Don't put that image in my head."

Jungkook's eyes widen a little as he watches the elder get flustered and cross his legs. "Oooh." He teases, scooting closer to the alpha who quickly gets up and moves away.

"No really, I don't have much control."

The omega laughs. "That I can see."

Taehyung's eyes widen as he covers up before storming out of the apartment and slamming the door.

Only for Jimin to come back with a frown.

"What was that about?"

The younger shrugs innocently. "I wouldn't know."

How cute...

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