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Jungkook's heart is racing a hundred miles an hour when the elevator quickly rises. He doesn't know why he came here, he was absolutely terrified before, he was angry and upset with Taehyung. Yet, somehow he ended up walking here.

"Jungkook." He's startled when he's pulled into Taehyung's arms, the alpha still shorter than him, he doubts that will change but he doesn't know. He stands frozen, unsure whether he'll hug back or not.

He isn't even sure what he's doing here in the first place.

"I'm happy you're here." The elder says, pulling him out of the elevator and tugging him towards the couch.

But he pulls away from the grip.

Yes, their bodies are changing but it's only been a week since the official rank swap. Barely anything has changed physically. He doesn't know what will and won't change, all he knows is that things have changed, drastically.

"Apologise." He demands. Not sure where the sudden confidence is coming from. Because he doesn't want to accept the fact he's an omega now?

Taehyung turns around with a frown. "What?"

"Apologise." Jungkook repeats firmly.

Only for the elder to frown. "Why?"

Jungkook stands frozen, unsure of how what to say now. If Taehyung doesn't think he needs to apologise now, he doubts he can convince him.

"Because you were a total dick?" The sentence is clearly spoken but with much less confidence as his voice is a little higher than before.

"A what?"

He swallows thickly. His wolf howling on the inside, telling him not to do this. His wolf wants to submit, his wolf doesn't mind but he does. His wolf may have changed but he hasn't, having an omega wolf doesn't change the alpha mentality he has as human.

"A dick."

Taehyung stands in silence which only scares Jungkook more. He shouldn't have come here and he shouldn't have said that. He should've ignored the problem and maybe the elder would've given up on him.

"Fair enough."

The words surprise him, he had expected to be yelled at maybe even punished but not this. He hadn't expected the elder to have a decent response. He's unsure whether to push his luck and ask if the shorter is sorry too but he decides against it.

"We need to talk Kookie."

He feels his eyes twitch. "Please don't call me that." He says, watching as Taehyung goes to sit down. He hates the way he feels and the way he thinks around the elder. He doesn't understand himself.

He remains in the same position.

"I've been wondering." Taehyung asks. "You said you wanted to submit to me as alpha, why not now when you're in the position to submit?"

He just blinks before turning around and running off, rushing back to the elevator, he hears the elder call his name and footsteps coming after him. When he presses the down button and turns around his hard sinks in his chest when he sees Taehyung right behind him.

"Leave me alone." He snaps. "I don't want to talk to you."

"Then why come to my house?!"

Jungkook stands frozen, unsure of what to say or do. Then why did he come to Taehyung's house? Could it be the apology— which he never got— or the fact that he really wanted to talk. He doesn't know and he doesn't care.

"I came to say..." his mind goes blank for a second, unable to come up with a lie.

"Came to say you miss me?"

It's as if the smug look on the elder's face triggers something within him. He finds himself growing even more angry than before, he wants to punch the elder.

So he does... in his mind.

"I came for an apology, which you're not going to give me."

"I'm sorry, now can we talk?"

"No. Let me go." He says before narrowing his eyes. Knowing he'll be let go with the following words.

"For someone who believes he was meant to be an alpha, you're a pretty shitty one." The words are said with anger and no doubt will hurt. "You were a bad omega, who knew you'd be an even worse alpha."

With that the elder releases the door in pure shock at the hurtful words. They slide shut and when he can finally go home he can't help but feel guilty.

He knows the elder is struggling and he came here himself. Taehyung was being fairly reasonable but maybe now he can be left alone to try and find a way to switch their rank back.

There's no way he's staying an omega.

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