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Just a lil joke guys but at least there's a double update!

"So..." Jungkook says, awkwardly pulling back from the hug. "How come you're not going all big bad alpha right now?"

Taehyung shrugs. "Guess I just don't like seeing you sad and you weren't yelling or cursing at me for once."

The younger frowns. "For once? Fuck you, you're the asshole here."

The elder crosses his arms. "I though you really did learn from last time and would quit saying things to hurt me."

The omega crosses his arms as well and shakes his head. "That wasn't to hurt you, that was just a simple truth."

"Oh so you still think I'm the worst person alive?!" The elder says, taking a step closer, eyes filled with anger.

"No, I never said that. It's just that you're really mean all the time." The younger says equally as angry.

"Jungkook! Yes, I fucked up and yes I shouldn't have done many of the things I did but you're not an angel either. We both messed up and I started realising that but you're just stuck on the idea that everything is my fault!" The alpha snaps, angrily. "You just blame me, and you keep blaming me even thought you know it isn't my fault and— and I— I didn't ask for this either!"

The omega is startles when the alpha bursts into tears.

"I don't know what the fuck is going on! All I know is that no matter what I do, I keep fucking up, meanwhile I'm terrified of fucking up and becoming what I hate most but according to you that's all I'm doing! So please stop calling me names and telling me how much of a piece of shit I am! I know and I'm trying!"

The alpha cries loudly. Jungkook stands frozen, unsure of what to do or say. Somehow, he stills feel angry but for a completely different reason. Taehyung thinks he has it hard? The elder got what he wanted, he is the one that has to adjust to an entirely new situation. He is going through hell, not Taehyung.

"Boohoo Taehyung! You think I feel sorry for you now. Stop pretending, you don't have to deal with anything! I'm the one going through it all!" He yells, before turning around and storming off, back to where Hoseok and Jimin are seated.

"Let's go!" He snaps, tears brimming in his eyes. "He's a lost cause."

The two share a confused look before going after the upset omega. Unsure what happened upstairs but sad it didn't work out.

"I'm sorry Kook." Hoseok says, wrapping an arm around the omega.

The younger just hums, barely paying attention as his wolf howls sadly. And this time he actually feels like shit. He's kicked Taehyung while he was already down, he has been doing that a while now.

Getting in Hoseok's car he bites his lip as they drive off. Leaving a broken alpha alone in his apartment to deal with piles of self hate.

"What happened?" Jimin asks carefully.



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