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Taehyung has been part wolf all his life, he's had the animal inside of him trying to gain control.

But never before had he felt like a beast.

Never before had he felt the urge to do things no matter the consequences, never before had he hurt someone like he had. He wasn't strong enough to deal with the animal inside of him, it scared him, terrified him to a point that he feels paralysed by fear whenever his own wolf does something.

So here he is, seated in his apartment. Fighting every animalistic urge that flows through his body. He wants go get Jungkook and let go of all his restraints. God there's nothing he rather wants than to have the omega in every way possible but he can't.

Not now, not ever. He got rejected as mate. They no longer belong to one another, they no longer can be together.

He knows Jungkook will flinch at his movements, he knows the younger's skin will burn at every touch and it's all due to his lack of self control. It's the fact that he isn't strong enough to be an alpha that everything is ruined. All his life he had said he was supposed to be an alpha, that he was meant to be one— but what if that isn't true?

What if he's too weak to become an alpha? Too weak to control the beast inside of him? What will become of him? Will he turn into one of those animals that rapes and hurts omega's and beta's?

No, he can't. He can't. He needs to make sure he never does anything like this again. He needs to make sure he never hurts anyone ever again. He was meant to be an alpha, and he'll he one, a good one. He owes that much to Jungkook.

But he can't do it alone. He needs his friends to help him out. If they'll even speak to him. What if they hate him after what he's done to the poor omega? What if the all abandon him out of fear?

No, they won't. They understand how hard it is to control yourself. Of course they do.

With shaky hands he reaches for his phone, feeling like his body is at wat with himself and he's quickly loosing. He needs the strength of his friends to keep him from doing another stupid and abusive thing.

"Taehyung!" Jimin doesn't sound surprised by the call. "Jungkook told us you went into rut, I'm so proud you went out before anything happened."

The words cut like knifes but also fills him with a sense of hope. Jungkook didn't tell them, he hasn't told them what happened... does that mean he isn't giving up on them? Does that mean they'll fight besides one another? Fight to be together despite what their wolves tell them?

If jungkook feels strong enough to beat the odds, to want to still be with him despite of what happened then he should too.

Tightening his grip on the phone he takes a deep breath.

"I'm not strong enough Jimin." He manages to croak out. His wolf growling inside, howling and speaking in alpha voice. God does he hates the beast.

"I need help, lots of it."

I wrote the ending to this book and it's... something

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