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It's usually quite easy to tell an alpha and omega apart. The first being tall and often very strong built while the latter have a rather fragile build and are smaller.

Jungkook doesn't have those features. Jungkook has the body of an alpha, with his scent blocker no one could tell his scent got a little sweeter and next to Taehyung he walks around like an alpha. Making it hard for people to sense he's an omega.

Yess,Taehyung has become an alpha but no one seems to conclude that he gained his new rank by switching it with Jungkook's. Which makes the younger happy and more confident than he's felt the past three weeks.

He knows he'll have to train very hard to keep his muscles strong like this, he knows his body will go through changes but for now he'll fight it.

Walking next to Taehyung he feels strong and suddenly he doesn't want to never see the alpha again. Suddenly being an omega doesn't seem so bad. Just like when they were young they're just Jungkook and Taehyung, best friends.

That's is until Jimin walks in, the elder taking a seat besides him with a smile. "Hey, glad you're back."

"Hey." He mutters back, feeling a bit weird. He's been avoiding Jimin like the plague simply because he doesn't want to loose whatever friendship they had, one alpha to another. Now he feels weird as he notices the elder wears only little blocker, scent finding it's way through but only lightly.

It makes him feel uncomfortable and different. This is Jimin, he used to hate that smell and suddenly he finds it appealing. Biting his lip he finds himself filling with frustration as he listens to the elder rant.

He's back at hating everything around him, hating the fact he's an omega, hating Taehyung and hating the universe for doing things like this to him. He finds himself wanting to get up and go home to drown in self pity.

Only to be roughly awakened from the self-hate by Taehyung slamming his blocker against Jimin's chest. "Block your scent idiot."

Jungkook looks at Taehyung with wide eyes. Unsure how the elder could tell it was bothering him. Only for the alpha to lean in a little closer with a smile.

"Told you I'd protect you, so don't loose yourself in that head of yours."

He can almost feel his heart beat faster at those words. Taehyung will protect him, from everything, even himself when he needs it. "Thank you." He whispers back, eyes filled with childlike adoration.

And for a second they're kids again, Taehyung his hero and his saviour and Jungkook being the only reason the elder feels strong enough to take on the world.

The alpha was right when he said he needs him, and now he knows he needs the elder too. They need each other because they bring out the best in one another but not in the way they did before. Not like this.

This is what it means to be true mate.

This is what alpha and omega relations should be like.

(ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡( o°o)

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