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"How to be an alpha." Jimin says, as he slams a paper down. "You might want to take notes."

Jin chuckles from where he's texting on his phone. "Being an alpha sucks." He says before putting the device down.

"Yes, there's many unwritten rules that have counter rules and additional rules to those rules but then you have to remind yourself that there's no official rules, yet you can't break them." Jimin explains, leaving Taehyung to blink in confusion.


"It's simple, do what feels right but don't at the same time. Use your head not your wolf." Jin says, patting the newly ranked alpha on the back. "Welcome to alpha town."

"First things first." Jimin says. "You try and get to know the wolf inside of you. Wolves are driven by instincts which is good and bad at the same time."

Jin nods. "As you noticed your wolf gets mad at everything. Which sucks because you have to constantly reel him back in but the animal also has good instincts." The elder alpha smiles. "Like when your omega is hurt or sad, or just really wants a hug. When they feel threatened or scared even."

Taehyung frowns. "My wolf just feels mad."

"Aish, that's because you're just starting with him. At first you're overwhelmed and easily agitated, you'll learn all those things and now that Jungkook's on your side he'll help you. Since you two are mates your wolf will probably listen to him more than to you." Jin sighs as he shakes his head. "Really, you were better off being an omega."

"Well I'm not." Taehyung says. "I'm an alpha and what are all these rules you mentioned."

"There's not specific rules but there are guidelines." Jimin says, only confusing the poor alpha more. "For example don't tell your omega what they can and can't do but also do."

"How is that a guideline?!" The miserable alpha asks.

"Well your omega is a human being, so they're allowed to make their own choices. You can't make those choices for them." The shorter explains. "However, when they do something wrong you do tell them they can't do that."

Taehyung just states at Jimin with void eyes. Contemplating getting up and leaving but he knows he'll get shit for it.

"For example." Jin starts. "I cannot tell Namjoon to stop drinking those unhealthy energy drinks, it's his own choice which he can make for himself. But when he fought with Jungkook I did punish him because I can tell him it's wrong to fight, especially with a friend."

The younger nods. "So... when things are morally wrong you punish them?"

"Well, no not all the time." Jin says, sharing a hopeless look with Jimin, who looks just as lost. Teaching someone how to be an alpha is harder than they thought it would be. Being an alpha is something you learn while growing up, when punishing and caring for an omega are future plans and you just want a nice fuck.

"You two look like how I feel." Taehyung sighs as he leans back in his chair.

"Hopefully our boys have better luck."

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