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"How come I've never been to your house?" Jungkook asks, setting his bag down and looking around.

"I don't know, it's just standard to go to everyone else's home." Hoseok replies while shutting the door.

"You can pick, we can share a bad and have super warm loving cuddles every night! Or you sleep in the guest bedroom..."

Jungkook laughs. "Cuddles every night sounds amazing! I'm still so confused to why Tae wouldn't want to cuddle all the time." It's so nice and warm to be cuddled.

"Tae never really was an omega, he just had heats." The elder informs as they make their way to the bedroom where Jungkook inhales the lingering scent of cinnamon and smiles happily.

As much as he likes Namjoon and has become close with the elder, nothing can beat how close he feels with Hoseok. The omega really acts like a mom around him and he doesn't mind.

"Now let's get ready for bed, school's tomorrow." Hoseok says as he opens his closet to get his sleepwear out. "And don't forget I'm your alpha now."

"Yeah, Yeah, you go sleep and I'll watch my anime. I'll go sleep soon." Jungkook promises before taking out his laptop and headphones before going to the living room.

Hoseok comes to turn of the lights and remind Jungkook to do the same when he goes to bed. "And don't stay up to late. You need sleep." He says sternly, only for the younger to hum and mumble a goodnight.

Emerged in his show he watches quite a few episodes when suddenly Hoseok re-enters the room with a frown on his face.

"It's 2:30 AM." He mumbles, only for Jungkook to shrug. "So? I usually go asleep around four."

"Which is unhealthy." The elder says before shutting the laptop for the younger. "Get ready for bed, sleep is important."

Jungkook pouts but does as he is told. Brushing his teeth and changing into his sleepwear before crawling into bed besides the pretend-alpha. Hoseok quickly falls asleep again and he pulls out his phone and AirPods to continue watching.

He keeps watching and watching only to yelp when suddenly the phone is torn from his hands.

"Jungkook I'm disappointed in you." Hoseok sighs as he puts the phone in a drawer. "Go sleep."

The younger pouts before putting away his AirPods with an eye roll. Guess he has no choice but going to sleep now.

Waking up is never fun, especially if you went to sleep at 4:30 AM. So when Hoseok alarm blasts through the room all Jungkook does is groan and cover his head with a pillow. Only to sigh in relief when it's turned off.

"Wake up Kook." Hoseok mutters, sounding to energised for the fact that it's 7AM.

"No, I barely slept last night." He whines, turning to look at his pretend alpha with wide puppy dog eyes. "I'll just skip first period."

"No, you won't. I told you to go to bed and you wouldn't listen. Now deal with the consequences." The elder says before pulling off the blankets. "Just like sleep, it's important to go to your classes, especially since you've missed a lot already."

"I don't care I'm tired." The younger says, curling up in a ball with a pout, the puppy dog eyes would've worked on Taehyung.

"Jungkook." Hoseok sighs. "Get out of bed, if you fail this year you're going to regret all of this."

"No! Just shut up! I had two hours of sleep!"

The elder frowns as he crosses his arms. "Is that my fault? Or was I the one trying to get you to bed?"

Jungkook glares at the elder. "Fuck you."

"Would you like to repeat that?" And yes, Hoseok might be an omega but right now Jungkook regrets what he said. The elder looks really scary when he's mad. "No."

"Good, now I''m going to count to three. Either you get up or—"

"Fine I'm up!" Jungkook says, sitting up with a frown. "You win!"

He's immediately pulled into a hug which makes all his anger melt away. He really does like cuddles.

"See that wasn't that hard!"

This book is coming to an end soon

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