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Sure another update

"You can't just go around and give yourself to any alpha!" Taehyung yells angrily. Pacing through the room as Jungkook is seated on the couch, fumbling with a pillow as he nervously tries to hold back his tears.

"I'm your mate! I should be allowed to touch you and no one else!"

"It was just a hug, plus I thought you and I agreed we'd be just friends!" The omega manages to squeak out, only to regret his entire existence when he sees the look on the elder's face.

"I know but it still makes me jealous, friends or not we're mates and seeing you with another alpha is going to make me mad regardless of our relationship!" The elder yells before sighing very deeply.

Jungkook is about to burst into tears any second now. Part of him understands that Taehyung can't control his wolf yet but he shouldn't have punched someone, their friend.

"S-stop yelling, makes me scared." He then says, tears now streaming freely as he tries to wipe them away but it's no use.

Taehyung freezes, finally catching up to what is happening. Cursing at himself for loosing control once again and making his mate afraid of him.

"I'm sorry." He says, slowly approaching the omega and pulling him into a hug. "I'm so sorry."

"Fuck you!" Jungkook yells angrily. "You don't get to touch me!" He's angry, because I'm sorry is not just going to fix anything. "You need to control yourself! I hate you!"

Taehyung frowns. "You don't hate me, I lost control for a second, I know that and I'll do better next time."

"How about it doesn't happen again?! You promise just friend but then you go and fuck everything up!" Jungkook argues, pushing the elder away before going to get up and leave.

"Let's talk about this!"

"Talk?! I'll talk, you need to seriously start controlling your wolf. You punched Jimin because I hugged him! You yell at me and make me feel scared and think I'm sorry I'll do better is going to fix it?!" The omega yells in frustration. "You're just my friend! Plus it's Jimin! I'd never ever want to do anything with Jimin and he's dating Hoseok!"

"Okay but stop the yelling."

Jungkook only grows more angry. "No! If we're Jungkook and Taehyung I get to yell at you."

Taehyung groans. "But when I do it it's—"

"But what? You're an alpha so I should behave? I should bow my head and just suck your dick? What the fuck do you want from me?!"

The elder slowly gets up. Anger clear on his face. "What do you want?! I can't seem to be able to do anything right in your opinion!"

"Then why say you need me? All I seem to be doing is make things worse!" Jungkook is still crying but no longer scared. Yes, Taehyung looks mad but not dangerous or anything.

"No! I do need you! Yes I lost control but right now you calm me down! I am angry, and if you were anyone else I would've snapped already but right now you keep me grounded because I don't ever want to hurt you." The elder confesses. "And yes, what I did at school was wrong I admit that."

"I wanna go home." Is all the omega says before turning away to leave.

Only to be pulled back, and as if one instinct he pushes the elder off, causing Taehyung to stumble back and nearly fall.

Freezing a little he swallows thickly.

"I-I'm sorry?"


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