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After the omega's dropped the kid at the alpha's, they find themselves cuddled up in bed. Jungkook enjoying the warmth as he clings to Hoseok for dear life. He never knew he liked cuddling this much.

"Tae would never let us cuddle him." Hoseok mumbles as he softly runs his fingers trough the younger's hair.

"Yeah I like you way better." Namjoon adds while Jungkook just smiles. Why wouldn't Tae want this? It's an amazing, a cocoon of warmth and love.

"You two haven't taught me anything about being an omega." He then says as he turns around to look at Namjoon. "You just scared the poor kid."

The tallest sighs. "Jin is going to kill me." With a pout he boop's the younger's nose. "Also there's not much to being an omega."

Hoseok nods, nuzzling his face in the young omega's neck. Sighing in content.

"All you do is just be a decent human being while not allowing your wolf to fully submit. That's all."

Jungkook blinks in confusion. "Not submit? That's all? Isn't the entire point of being an omega that you submit to your alpha?"

"Well, as wolves yes. But we're also human. We need to focus on making out best choices and not sitting at home waiting for our boyfriend's to come home. We go out, become models or influencers, or anything else with a high pay check." Namjoon mumbles tiredly. "Oh and we raise our alpha's."!

"Raise them?!"

Hoseok nods. "Yeah they get real bratty when they have to work all day and get home."

"Then what do I do?" Jungkook asks and Namjoon shrugs. "My mom usually just cuddles my dad unless he's less grumpy."

Hoseok nods. "Yeah it's good for both. Work is dumb sometimes. I had a job for two years before going to uni and I was so tired all the time, Jimin energises me a lot and I him."

"That's all? There's no rules or anything?"

"Not really, there's not any written rules. Things like us fighting are 'rule breaking' not because any written rules are broken but because you are hurting yourself and someone you love which is unacceptable." The tallest explains while Jungkook frowns.

"But what if they fight? Isn't that bad as well?"

"Well, they usually don't fight unless someone threatens their omega." Hoseok sighs while Namjoon and Jungkook share a look as the room suddenly clouds up with cinnamon.

"Hoseok~" The youngest groans. "Is your heat starting?"

"And on my sheets." Namjoon adds.

The omega in question tears up and turns away with a pout. "I-I can't help it!"

Jungkook sighs. He tends to forget how sensitive omega's are. So he wraps his arms around the sniffling boy and pulls him right back against him.

"No, it's okay. Do we need call Jimin?" Namjoon asks, stroking the suffering omega's head before going to pull all the alpha clothes he has out of the closet to help the boy nest.

"Please." Hoseok mumbles as he turns around in the younger's hold. A smile on his face as he speaks up.

"I'm Jung Hoseok and welcome to heats 101."

Question: Do y'all want me to give a short explanation on how mates and heats and all that stuff works in this universe?

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