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"Is your dad still mad?" Jungkook asks as he leans back on the couch. He had promised to watch Yoongi for the weekend so Namjoon and Jin could spend the weekend together at Namjoon's.

"Really mad." The kid mumbles sadly. "I'm super grounded and Joon really saved me. I though he was going to kill me but Joon calmed him down."

Jungkook sighs. "Why exactly did you het suspended? Were you fighting again?" He asks, scrolling through his phone lazily. Jin had forbidden any TV, or fun for the kid. So there is not much they could do.

"Yeah but it was these dumb kids who were harassing me. So I showed them I was not to be messed with." Yoongi says as he crosses his arms. "I don't get why I get in trouble for standing up for myself!"

"There's other ways than beating them up. How come you never have bruises or look beat up?"

The kid proudly crosses his arm. "You should see the other guys! I'm way stronger than them!"

Jungkook chuckles, a smile on his lips as he shakes his head. "Fighting is not good."

"You and Joon fought!"

He nods. "Yes and we didn't get away with it either."

"But you're a grown up! I thought grown ups could do anything!"

"Do you know why we get to do whatever?" He asks, putting down his phone to look at the kid, wondering how the hell he could raise one of his own.

"Because you're a grown up!"

Shaking his head he gets up from the couch. "No, we get to do whatever we want because we accept the consequences. Now that's enough grown up talk, where does your dad keep the board games?"

Yoongi just sighs.

"Being ten sucks."

Tucking the boy in he makes his way downstairs, wondering what to do with the Taehyung situation. They need to work on themselves, fix themselves but can they do that while also being evolved with each other?

They have proven to be unable to be just friends. It's obvious there's way more and whenever they are around each other that comes forward.

His phone rings loudly and he's a bit startled by the sudden noise. Scrambling to grab it he sees Hoseok's name on the display.

"Hey, what's up?" His voice is filled with fake excitement but he really is happy the elder called. It'll keep his mind of everything else.

"I came up with a plan to help you two but we don't have to do it if you totally hate it." The elder says. "I do have to say Taehyung already agreed to it, said he'd try but only if you were okay with it."

Jungkook frowns. "Okay, tell me. But if it's group therapy I'm going to kill you."

Hoseok makes a sad noise on the other side of the line. The boy must be in his heat's aftermath.

"I'm sorry, tell me."

A happy noise is heard before the elder speaks up again.

"Jimin and I thought, since you two don't know anything about being alpha or omega, we'd help you. Meaning Jimin will step up and pose as Taehyung's omega, to help him with how things work and I'll be your alpha!"

Jungkook's eyes widen a little. "But you're mean and you hit really hard."

Hoseok laughs and then he hears the pout in his voice. "But I'm trying to help!"

Jungkook sighs. If Taehyung is fine with it, so is he. He needs to start trying, just like Taehyung is.

If he wants to keep his mate and not blow everything between them up. He needs to try.


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