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Sorry I fell asleep here's the last few chapters

"Mrs Kim?" Taehyung asks with wide eyes when the woman enters his bedroom after his rut has passed. The two exhausted alpha's quickly leaving the room to grant them some privacy.

"Hello dear." She smiles, Namjoon told me what happened and came to check if you were feeling well."

He fakes a smile. "I'm great."

"Well, you look awful." She states bluntly before opening the door and calling Jin over to make them some tea, which he immediately does— with extra love, considering this is his mother in law.

She takes a seat before smiling once more. "I can tell something is up. I study alpha's and omega's after all."

He scoffs. "God Namjoon must've had a hard time lying to you when he was young."

She laughs but doesn't respond to it any further.

"I'm exhausted, physically."

"And mentally?" She presses.

"Mentally I'm torn because I marked Jungkook and he rejected me." He blurts out but he doesn't regret it. He knows he has to share it with someone, he can't do it on his own. He wants Jungkook by his side for the rest of his life.

She frowns. "I'm so sorry darling, how are you feeling?"

He shrugs. "Torn, I want to be with him but I know being with him will hurt him so much. Though he wants it himself, he didn't tell anyone about what happened so I concluded he wants to try and be with me no matter the rejection." He tells her, a pained look on his face as he thinks back to the moment he bit the younger. How scared the poor omega looked, all because of him.

"I can't control my wolf. I've been trying to, but I can't. He scares me."

Mrs Kim sighs. "That's exactly why you can't. You're too afraid of it to challenge it. I think you need a good therapist, a real one, not me. You need to work through your fear and learn to not let it control you, only then you can challenge your wolf in an equal playing field." She explains before shaking her head a little. "Right now he has the advantage and I'm surprised by how well you held up against it, but you're doing it at the cost of your personal health."

"I don't care at what cost I have to do things. I want to be a good alpha, Jungkook lost his rank because of me—"

"Not because of you!" She says sternly. "It was meant to be like this, neither of you are to blame."

"Whatever, I owe it to him to be a good alpha."

Mrs Kim looks away for a second. "You want to be a good alpha?" Turning back she looks straight at the determined younger.

"Of course I do, I'll do whatever it takes to make him happy. He deserves that much after all I've done." He balls his fists in anger, anger towards himself and his own weakness.

"Then you have to make a decision he sure isn't strong enough to make." She says seriously. "I'm going to him after this, and considering the fact he hasn't told anyone what happened makes me quite certain he isn't going to able to make the right decision." She pauses.

"So, be a good alpha and make it for him."

He swallows thickly. He hasn't even heard his options yet but already feels his heart breaking as somewhere deep down he knows what's coming.

"I'd do everything for him."

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