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I want attention so here's another, give me it and you might get a fourth ;)

"Hell no!" Jungkook says.

"Don't get so nervous, I said want. I never said I'd do it." The alpha mutters bitterly, getting up from the couch. Only for Jungkook to exhale in relief. If Taehyung had really wanted to punish him, he knew he wouldn't get out of it.

"It's just that everything makes me angry, your disobedience and rudeness drives me mad—"

"It sucks doesn't it? Welcome to my world! You sucked as—"

Taehyung grabs his chin, forcing him to tilt his head up. "Stop yelling." The alpha growls angrily but Jungkook doesn't back down besides his wolf's protest.

"Fuck you! Look at yourself! You're becoming everything you used to hate alpha's for!" The younger continues to yell, eyes filling with tears as he curses himself for being so sensitive all the time.

"That's why I need you!"

Jungkook turns silent. Not sure what to say to that.

"I can't do this on my own! I don't know what the fuck I have to do, all I know is that I need you to do it with." The elder says. "So please, just talk to me."

The omega feels conflicted. His wolf wants to comfort his alpha but he as human wants to run. Far away where hopefully things can go back to the way they were. Yet, he doesn't think he could leave Taehyung behind.

"No." He then says. Taehyung walked out of his life because he didn't want him to see he was an omega and now suddenly Jungkook can't do the same? "You of all people should know what it's like to suddenly be an omega, you walked out of my life now understand as I walk out of yours."

He gets up slowly. "Bye Taehyung." He says, breaking his own heart along with the elder's but he can't stand himself and Taehyung like this. He hates how things turned out.

"Jungkook I can't do this without you."

"That's not my fault, none of this is my fault. You shouldn't need me to solve your problems, you solve your own." The younger says firmly before taking a step to the exit. "I'm not ready Taehyung."

The elder shakes his head, grabbing the omega by his shoulders once more. "You don't understand, I can't do this without you."

"I do understand but you need to understand that I can't do this with you. I'm angry and upset with you." He says, pushing the alpha's hands off as he smiles sadly. "You need to give me time, I want everything to go back to the way it was and then maybe we can talk."

"But it's never going to, this is how it's supposed to be like. You wanted to be submissive to me before, why not now?!"

Jungkook sighs. "I'm going home." With that he turns to walk away when Taehyung speaks up. Dropping to his knees rather harshly he hangs his head low. Tears coming to his eyes as he realises the overpowering want and need to submit, as if his own will has been taken away.


That god damn alpha voice.

Aish I'm making it really hard to not pick Jungkook's side.

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