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"Hey." Taehyung smiles as he sits down a minute before the lecture starts. Jungkook returns the smile tiredly, pouting a little as he leans in. "Hoseok is really mean."

"Hoseok and mean, that doesn't sound right. You and bratty, now that does sound right." Taehyung teases as he nudges his mate a little. A fond smiles on his lips as the omega mutters something about just wanting to be irresponsible and watch anime all night.

Jimin sighs. "Everyone thinks you should stop watching anime till five am. You're an adult, you should be responsible."

Jungkook snorts. "You should be an adult." He mocks while shoving the short alpha. "You're just boring."

They quickly turn silent when the lecture starts and Jungkook finds himself craving chocolate like never before. Ever since Taehyung came back into his life with that amazing cacao scent he's been a chocolate addict.

Class goes by rather fast and before they know it, lunch comes around. Jungkook finds himself at the nearest vending machine to buy some chocolate, jumping when Taehyung turns up besides him.

"Should I be flattered?"

Rolling his eyes Jungkook finds himself blushing a little. He's too prideful to admit that the only reason he's craving it is Taehyung himself. "No, don't be cocky."

The alpha nods with a smug grin in his face. "In that case I'm getting a vanilla coke, no correlation to you of course."

The omega blushes even harder before stepping aside and letting the man do his thing. Walking back to their friends Taehyung nudges him.

"How would you feel about spending the weekend at my place? Nothing has to happen, just to create some good vibes. We could use them."

Jungkook's first instinct is yes. Yes, yes, yes please! He wants to cuddle the alpha and have fun like they used to have when they were young. But he stops himself from blindly agreeing. Reminding himself that whatever they have is very fragile.

"But what if we fight again?"

The elder shrugs. "Every couple fights."

"But what if I get really unreasonable and you loose your temper and then—"

"Jungkook." the alpha interrupts the rambling. "If I feel like I'm getting I'll go walk around the block."

Taking a bite of the chocolate bar the omega feels his hesitation crumble. He does want things to go well between them, he wants to really, really bad. And Taehyung js right, they need some positive energy and memories if they ever want to make this work.

"Okay." He then says. "But only if I get to pick the movie to watch."

Taehyung chuckles. "Sure, but then you can't complain if I fall asleep because you always pick really boring movies."

The younger pouts. "No I don't, you just have a bad taste in movies. A really, really bad taste."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll stack up on chocolate, you seem to be inhaling that stuff." Is all Taehyung says only for Jungkook to turn tomato red amd storming off to go hide with Hoseok.

Feeling happy that he and Taehyung are finally moving to a better point in their relationship.

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