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Taehyung for the first time in a long time feels good, strong and okay. He walking through the halls, allowing people to smell his now stronger cacao scent over the little blocker he wears.

For the first time since his sixteenth birthday, he feels like his wolf fits him right. He's an alpha, stronger than ever and thanks to his already intense work out schedule he'll now be one of the strongest alpha's and he loves it.

Though, part of him feels off.

Jungkook has been holed up at home, refusing to speak to anyone. Refusing to come out for anything. The younger obviously isn't taking it very well.

Yet, he doesn't understand it fully. Jungkook said at Mrs Joru's that he had submitted to him, so how's this any different? He's still submitted and both of them are finally in their right role. He can finally protect the younger the way they did when they were kids, he can care for him, protect him.

Jungkook should be happy that they're now both finally in their respective ranks.

He can guide the omega, correct him, love him and many more things. Just thinking about it has him excited to get on with their lives. He wants to hold his mate and fuck him, knot him, mate him.

But Jungkook is being difficult, of course he feels bad that the newly ranked omega isn't happy with his rank but what can he do about it? It's nature who said it was wrong.

It bothers him that the younger refuses to come to school, he's messing up his future over something as insignificant as rank. It upsets his wolf and he really feels like just barging in there and getting the omega back to school and working on his future.

He knows he can't it would be unfair of him to decide for the younger yet he feels the strong urge to. He's missing too many classes and the omega wasn't getting perfect scores to begin with.

There's nothing he can do, Jungkook obviously doesn't want to see him and he respects that. Yet, it riles him up, why isn't Jungkook going through these changes with him. They should spend their time together, support and explain things to one another. It's sure they're mates and they could give each other the needed energy and motivation to deal with their changing bodies.

Besides being rejected every time he still visits everyday after school, hoping the omega will wamt to talk to him.

And today seems to be his lucky day.

Because when he's about the ring the bell the door is opened by none other than the omega himself. Probably on his way to run an errand.

Both freeze, neither had expected to be put on the spot like that. The elder had expected his usual rejection or no reply and Jungkook had just wanted to run to the store and get some food.

Standing across from each other they are completely silent before Jungkook goes to slam the door shut, only for Taehyung to stop it.

"Kookie, we need to talk."

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