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"What would be things you'd punish me for?" Jungkook asks, curiously. He knows the alpha is very quick to jump to a punishment or at least some sort of consequence. Part of him knows the response will piss him off.

"Disrespectful and rude behaviour."

"Like?" He presses.

"Like walking away without saying anything in the middle of a fight."

"Even if you brought me here against my will?" Jungkook asks, catching the alpha a little off guard.

"I haven't thought about it that way, maybe if we were to do this I just not punish you until you feel like you should?" He suggests as if they're discussing a relationship.

"As in?" Somehow the reasonable answer pisses him off even more.

"I know an omega wolf feels guilty when they mistreat their alpha. You felt it when you pushed me, it doesn't necessarily mean you deserve a punishment but it's still there. You could tell me based on your wolf what you should be punished for and what not?"

Jungkook snorts. "Like you'd listen to that."

"I listened to you a moment ago didn't I?"

"I just don't get what you want?" Jungkook asks frustratedly. "Because right now and back in the car this morning you are the most reasonable person, yet, when you get mad you turn into some alpha douchebag that only is focused on making me submit." Voice raising as he gets angrier.

"I don't know Jungkook!" The elder snaps in annoyance. "I get that I'm an asshole but I've honestly always been and I don't know how to not be one!"

"Try by not yelling!" The omega mutters bitterly.

"I'm not yelling!"

"You are! God you're so fucking frustrating." Jungkook then yells. "You make me so mad at you because right now you act so great while I know you're going to be a dick again sooner than later!"

"Okay wait so what did I do wrong now?" The elder asks with wide eyes.

"Everything! This pretend good-alpha stuff. You're not a good person Taehyung! An horrible one and you make others feel horrible too and you think it's okay because you're trying to better yourself?! No you're a dick! As alpha and omega!"

The alpha blinks in confusion. "So you're mad because I'm trying to create a better version of myself? I admit I did things wrong and I accept the consequences but—"

"No! You do not because you're the most infuriating person!" Jungkook interrupts the elder. Feeling relieved to finally get all these things of his chest. "You're such a fucking horrible person!"

And he doesn't stop there. "You're all that's wrong in my life! You ruined it when you stole my rank and destroyed my life! You! And now I have to suffer while you lie back and relax as I do all the work! Who gave you the right to be such an asshole?!"

He takes a deep shaky breath.

"You're a piece of shit Taehyung! A horrible fucking human being and I hate you!"


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