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- ABO stands for Alpha, Beta, Omega.
- The abo ranks are used differently in different fanfics but wolf packs have one alpha.

Considering this is a fanfic and I created my own version of the abo universe, chances are you'll read it differently in other books but it'll be pretty similar.

Alpha — Alpha's are the leaders of the pack and are dominant by nature. They're the strongest in the pack and are not to be challenged by the lower ranks. Since they're half human it's a bit less intense, Alpha's are still the strongest, dominant and don't like being challenged but it does happen since they're part human.

Beta — Beta's are the rank below alpha's and are the workers of the pack. The alpha is in charge and the omega's breed children, so the beta's work.

Omega — Omega's are meant to carry children and often have sweet scents, feminine built (in case of male omega's) and they seek out alpha's. They're submissive by nature and live to please their alpha's. Since they're part human it's less intense but they still obey alpha's and in the society in the book are often forced to bow down against their will.

— When wolves are born they have two secondary gender genes which could carry any rank. One has an Alpha, Beta or Omega gene while the other one is empty and mutates when growing up. Though the second gene can mutate into something else than the first it does necessarily mean they become the rank of the mutated gene. Usually the rank your born with is the rank you get. Hence why with some people you can already tell their rank.

For example, Taehyung was born with the alpha gene, meaning from birth he started as alpha as his main rank. But when he started developing reproductive organs his second 'empty gene' started mutating into an omega gene and he became an omega. Having the alpha gene too allowed him to switch ranks.

Hoseok however, carries two omega genes and could never become an alpha or beta.

Wolves usually have two of the same genes. Beta, Beta — Alpha, Alpha — Omega, Omega. Mixing them doesn't happen often and when it does it's almost always a beta mix. Omega, Beta— Alpha, Beta. Alpha, Omega only happens when nature isn't too sure. As you read in the story Alpha and Omega are difficult genes to mix.

Again I remind you this is MY take on the universe, it's fictional and could be different in other books.

— Omega's, male and female can carry children and they seek out alpha's to mate with. Some end up with beta's but they prefer alpha's by nature. They are submissive to both alpha's and beta's.

— Only female beta's can carry children and they're submissive to alpha's and dominant to omega's. Beta's usually end up with beta's.

— Female alpha's have reproductive organs but have very low chances or pregnancy and sometimes said organs do not fully develop correctly. Female alpha's are as rare as male omega's. Male alpha's can NOT get pregnant unless it's an extraordinary situation like Taehyung is in.

— In some books make omega's have period's like in my book 'wolfish' but I did not include that in this book because I'm a lazy writer.

— Ruts. Ruts get triggered by omega heats. In the first year's of developing to an alpha— which usually starts around the age of sixteen though there could be earlier signs— ruts do hit randomly twice or thrice to allow the body to get used to the feeling and the spike in hormones of pubescent teens. The heightened pheromones of an omega draws it out of then in later stages, meaning an alpha could go without a rut for years if he doesn't spend time around omega's in heat.

— Heats are a reoccurring thing that I decided is four times a year. Some authors make it every months but I made it 4 times a year. When in heat the omega's crave an alpha's presence, preferably the one of their mate. Heats are less severe when an alpha is around and less long. Though the alpha will be triggered into rut, which is why they usually don't spend it with their omega's if they're not fully in control of their wolves.

In heat omega's tent to nest —sometimes also when they're distressed— to feel close to their alpha or alpha's in general. Alpha's protect their omega's and take care of them. Nesting and surrounding themselves with the smell of alpha's will calm them and make them feel warm and safe.

Heats occur four times a years but can be triggered to happen more often. If the two mates reach a certain point they body expects to spends heats together —This does not mean sex or notting, it just mean being with an alpha.— if mates don't spend the omega's heat together the body will respond by triggering more heats to force the couple to be together since an alpha should take care of their omega in heat. (This only happens at a certain level of mates)

— Mating. In some books mates are chosen by higher spirits or the moon or whatever. In my book I don't do fated mates. Mates are determined by the amount of pure love for a person.

Meaning if two wolves have a life line, those can intertwine our not. Meaning the lines of friendship run against each other but do not intertwine. When loving someone, your and their lifeline intertwine, the further they intertwine the more genuine the love. Short relationship's have only slightly intertwined lines and quickly unwind after that, to find a new line each in their separate way. If your line is fully intertwined you're true mates. Though you could still unwind your lines by falling out of love or when your wolf rejects it's mate.

Rejecting a mate doesn't regularly happen, it only happens when the omega wolf is scared of their alpha and/or is neglected. Alpha's can only reject their mate if they feel like they cannot properly care for their omega. Neither these decisions is made by the human side of them, but by the wolf side.

This means wolves can have more than one mate in a lifetime. Once a mate is rejected their wolves can never mate with then again.

— Alpha voice. When wolves take control they use their alpha voice. Alpha voice basically renders an omega powerless and at the will of an alpha. Alpha's generally don't use it unless they loose their temper and their wolf gets too much control.

— Omega voice. I added omega voice to my universe. Omega voices are only heard when an omega is scared or in distress to let their alpha know they're in danger or about to be.

— Beta's don't have a voice because I'm lazy?

The genes of our boys are:

Jin — Alpha, Alpha
Namjoon — Beta, Omega
Jimin — Alpha, Beta
Hoseok — Omega, Omega
Taehyung — Alpha, Omega
Jungkook — Omega, Alpha
Yoongi — Omega, ????

Fun facts I use to get a good feel of my own story:

— Jimin has NEVER used his alpha voice.

— Jungkook parents are happy he's an omega instead of an alpha now.

— Taehyung was truly unhappy as omega

— Namjoon asked Jin out first

— Yoongi's mother passed away at birth. Jin wasn't in love with her.

— Jin's biggest fear is disappointing or hurting his son. He's really stressed with how to raise a presumably omega son and Namjoon's help does take away a lot stress.

— Jungkook is scared of leaving or getting a mating mark because it looks like ut hurts.

— Hoseok sometimes dom's Jimin. Jimin has made the omega swear to not to anybody.

— Yoongi has no friends ):

I'll say it again just to be sure, this is a FICTIONAL UNIVERSE. I gave MY OWN twist to an already existing concept. This is NOT canon. Other stories will have differences to mine but the main line is the same.

I think that's all for now. If there's any more question's feel free to ask!

Love, Bunny.

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