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Wrapped in a blanket Jungkook finds himself staring at the screen with wide eyes.

"Don't look so interested, it's obvious she's going to choose him." Taehyung mutters, a frown on his face as he tries to concentrate on the movie as well. He's been feeling a bit off.

"You don't know that!" Jungkook says frustratedly. Tears welling in his eyes as he pops another m&m into his mouth.

"Why are you crying nothing happened!"

"She's learning to love herself shut up!" The younger says, pushing the alpha. "You're ruining the entire movie!"

"But it's so obvious!"

"I don't care!" Jungkook says wiping at the tears. "You're just jealous they're happy together."

"No, I know I'll be that happy one day. Preferably with you."

The omega shyly looks away, unsure of what to do. Should he flirt back? If he does he might start something they shouldn't finish. But he wants it, so bad. He wants the alpha close, he wants to feel his touch and take in his scent. The blocker has worn off a little so he can smell the faint hint of cacao surrounding him. No doubt mixing with his vanilla.

"Taehyung." He says softly. The alpha watching him closely. He knows the elder is waiting for him to give the green light. It makes him feel safe and valued. Despite not being an alpha the decision is up to him. He likes that. "You can kiss me."

And Taehyung does, cupping his face and pressing his lip on his.

Jungkook eagerly returns the kiss, enjoying every second of the alpha's loving and tender kiss. It feels right, safe and natural. Things were supposed to be this way, he can feel it.

They make out until they're out of breath, not caring about the fact that they should take things slow. Neither of them is pushing for more, it's just them enjoying the kiss.

Pulling back Taehyung nearly dies when Jungkook releases a shy giggle. Besides from when they were kids he's never heard the younger giggle like that.

But before he can say something the bell rings.

"Who's that?" Jungkook asks only for the alpha to shrug. "God knows, let's ignore it."

The bell rings another two times and he sighs, annoyed that this has to happen now. He doesn't even know who's visiting, all their friends know they don't want to be disturbed.

Pressing the intercom he finds himself beyond irritated.

"What." He snaps angrily. About to go down and beat up whoever—"

"T-Taehyung?" A soft voice cries. The alpha frowns. "Yoongi? Come in." Pressing the open button he turns to Jungkook. "I'm going down, Yoongi's here."

The omega just nods.

Making his way down in the elevator the doors open to reveal Yoongi standing with a bag and teary eyes.

"Yoongi? What happened?!" He says rushing to the boy's side, and pulling him into a hug. The kid crying. Slowly he guides him back go the elevator and once they're in he crouches down.

"Hey what happened? Does your dad know you're here?"

Yoongi looks up sniffling softly before pointing at the elder. "Why are your fangs out?" He then asks, completely ignoring the question.

Taehying frowns. He hadn't even noticed. Retracting them he focused back onto the kid, his head feeling a little fuzzy.

"What happened?" He asks a little more firm now. He doesn't want Jin to go crazy thinking his son is kidnapped.

"Dad was really mad." The kid pouts. "And Joonie wasn't there to calm him so he was really mean and now I'm running away to you because I don't know the way to Jungkook's house." The kid says, wiping his nose on his sleeve.

"So your dad doesn't know you're here?"

Yoongi shakes his head. "No and you can't tell him!"

That were an awful lot of rather peaceful chapters

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