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Sure have another update

"We pay your entire study, either you go or you don't and pay for yourself." His father says sternly only for Jungkook to look at his parents in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Unfortunately we're not dear, we know it isn't great what happened but time doesn't stop going by. You're neglecting your school and ruining your future. We know you're an adult but you still live under our roof meaning our rules apply. We'll gladly keep paying for your school if you actually go. If you live for yourself and pay for yourself your rules apply." His mother explains only for Jungkook's eyes to water as he abruptly gets up. "I'm—"

His words are interrupted by the bell. Angrily he stomps over and rips open the door, only to freeze when he's faced with Taehyung.

The alpha smiles. "Hey, you—" but Jungkook slams the door shut before the elder can finish.

"I'm going out!" He yells before leaving through the back door. He doesn't want to face Taehyung, or go back to school or do anything but lie in his bed and bathe in self pity.

On his way down the street. He's grabbed only for him to curse loudly. "Who the fuck do— what the hell you followed me?!" Staring into Taehyung's eyes he feels anger but also sadness rise. He really does miss him.

"You slammed your back door loud enough for me to know you left through it, we need to talk."

"Take the hint, I don't want to talk to you!" He snaps, pushing the hand off of him only to be grabbed by his shoulders and pulled back.

"Just listen to me!" Taehyung sighs tiredly.

Jungkook immediately shuts his mouth, not liking the way things are going.

"Let's go to my place and talk." The elder suggests, slowly releasing his grip. As if scared that the younger would bolt again. Which is definitely a thought going through the omega's mind but part of him wants to stay.

"No." He finally says but Taehyung is already pushing him his towards the car. Once inside the door is slammed shut, much to his annoyance.

"This is kidnapping." He mumbles only for Taehyung glare at him.

Jungkook figured that the elder has a hard time controlling his anger. Hell he was an alpha and he had a hard time controlling it sometimes. Even the most calm and collected alpha's work hard to keep their wolves at bay and Taehyung, an already easily angered person, must have it twice as hard.

The ride to the alpha's apartment is silent and he knows it bother's the elder. Yet, he doesn't find it within himself to care. He's made it very clear that he doesn't want to be here— or near the alpha in general.

When they arrive at Taehyung's home and upstairs he stubbornly refuses to talk or look at the alpha.

Once the elevator doors open he speaks up. "I want to go home and never see you again."

"Well, I want to talk." The elder says as he sits down on the couch, eyes tired as he looks at the younger.

"What do you want from me, I already told you I don't want you near me!" Jungkook snaps angrily.

"I want to punish you."


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