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JinnieFinnie does not want me to double update but I'm ignoring her and doing it anyway, better be grateful

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JinnieFinnie does not want me to double update but I'm ignoring her and doing it anyway, better be grateful.

Jungkook still refuses to apologise, Namjoon was the one who stepped out of line. What should he apologise for? Yes, he gave the man a hard time and called him names he shouldn't have but considering the situation it was quite reasonable right?

"Joon do you want to start?" Hoseok suggest only for the omega to shake his head. "Hell no, I don't have to apologise for telling the truth."

"Don't have to apologise?!" Jungkook asks with wide eyes. "You do! You were really mean and hurt my feelings!"

"You were really mean too!" Namjoon snaps back, standing up as he crosses his arms. "All I did was give you a sense of reality. You—"

"I didn't fucking ask you to did I?! I was sad and you yelled at me!" The younger says, getting up as well. "You think you're better than me just because I fuck a few things up!"

Jin just casually escort a curious Yoongi to another room.

"A few?! You were being very problematic and ruining things for yourself!" Namjoon yells angrily, Jimin and Taehyung sharing a look as they watch the two omega's yell at one another.

Only for Jin to return and sigh.

"Fuck you! I though you were the nice one!" Jungkook yells angrily and Namjoon pushes him. "I am nice but I can't stand this behaviour of yours!"

Jungkook is not raised by cowards. So he pushes back to which the elder responds with another push and before they know it they're rolling around on the floor, pulling on hair and limbs as they scream at one another.

Jin and Taehyung each jump in, grabbing their respectful omega only for the newly ranked alpha to loose his grip. After all Jungkook is still way stronger than him.

So Jimin jumps in to help as together they keep the angry omega down. The two only released when promising not to hurt one another again.

"Namjoon, a word." Jin says sternly. Walking the omega to the kitchen. Jimin and Hoseok stare at Taehyung expecting him to do the same but the alpha shrugs as he raises his hands.

"I don't know how this works."

"He's not my alpha." Jungkook mutters only for Hoseok to sigh as he grabs Jungkook to cuddle him on the couch, hopefully calming him a bit. "But he will be so let us help you."

Jungkook rolls his eyes but melts into the elder's cuddles. "Fine."

"Good now Taehyung, was Jungkook's behavior okay?"


"It was!"

"It wasn't." The alpha says. "You were fighting with your friend. You two are adults! You can't tell me there isn't a better way of fixing this."

"No he's a dick."

"Jungkookie." Hoseok whispers. "Don't be stubborn, you know it was wrong."

The younger huffs. "He started."

Jimin sighs. "I'm sorry Kook but if you're not willing to understand that means—"

The omega's eyes widen, catching on to what Jimin is saying. "No!" He protests while Taehyung is standing there looking a little helpless but feeling his wolf rage with anger, the anger slowly getting the best of him.

"Then try to be less stubborn and admit your mistake." Hoseok reasons only for the younger omega to shake his head.

"I didn't make one!"

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