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Yoongi has been like his little support dog. Whenever the kid isn't in school he's over at Hoseok's to see if Jungkook's okay. Jin's been awfully compliant with his son's obsession with the omega. Saying that as long as he doesn't get in fights and brings home good grades he's free to do whatever.

So the past days Jungkook has been non-stop cuddling with the pup.

They did question for a second if an omega in heat is the right environment for a kid but Namjoon claims that it's a healthy way to prepare him for his future.

His heat ended yesterday and today he's absolutely exhausted. His body feels like it's jelly and his mind is clouded. Rut's were a bitch but heat's drained his energy in an entirely new way.

"You use your energy differently." Namjoon says, as if he's reading the younger's mind. "Rut's are about controlling the wolf, which is more mental while heats are really harsh on mind and body."

"I hate heats."

"Every omega does." Namjoon says before the door is thrown open and in comes Hoseok and Yoongi. The kid immediately jumping on the bed to cuddle the omega.

"Hey Yoongs." Jungkook laughs a little at the excited kid. "How was school?"

"Someone got into a fight." Hoseok says, he's been on pick up duty since Jin is mostly at Taehyung's.

"It wasn't really a fight." Yoongi mutters bitterly. "He came at me and I knocked him down."

"Why are you kids so violent you're ten!"  Namjoon scolds with a disappointed look on his face. "I have to tell your dad—"

"No please!" The kid puts his hand together with wide puppy dog eyes. "Please I won't ever do it again!"

"I have to—"

"Dad please!"

Namjoon is speechless for once. He hadn't expected the kid to call him that.

"Uh well, sure." He says still looking utterly surprised but also proud.

"Yes! Can I have candy too?"

"Just two." Namjoon says with a wide smile as he hugs the pup before the ten year old excitedly bounces off to get himself some candy.

Hoseok and Jungkook share a look.

"You got manipulated so hard."

"No I didn't!" Namjoon argues only for Jungkook to nod. "Yeah you did."

Watching the kid stroll back in with candy and a grin on his face he sighs.

"I did."

They laugh and for a second he seems to forget about the burning mark. He forgets about the fact that when he has to go back to school life will be thrice as complicated then it was before.

Him and Taehyung will have to face one another and he can't show any sign of fear or even hesitation.

He doesn't even know how the elder feels about him now. If he wants to fight for him, if he can bear the pain of loving someone that fears you.

He wouldn't blame the elder if he wouldn't want to do it. It's fighting for something that only causes pain and fear. Why would you fight for someone that will never fully love you, with both human and wolf side.

Is just the human side enough?

Are they strong enough individuals to beat the beasts inside of them and go against all odds?

Would they want to do that themselves?

Would he want to live everyday, with part of him quivering in fear of his lover.


Lowkey wanna go ahead and publish the last three chapters as well...

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