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"Can I ask you something." Jungkook asks after a moment of silence.

"Of course."

He thinks about his words for a second. Not wanting to feel like he's attacking the elder. He's just genuinely curious. "Why do you act like everything you shamed me for being?" He asks carefully, unsure of how to ask such a question. Which no doubt is a little hurtful but it must be asked.

"Want me to be honest?"


The alpha is silent for a second before sighing deeply. "Honestly because I'm a fucking hypocrite."

Jungkook chuckles bitterly. "Oh so you're aware?"

With an eye roll Taehyung ignores the words and continues talking. "I didn't scream about society treating omega's wrong because I care that much about every omega. I just cared about me being one. I wasn't okay being treated like that because I felt like I was supposed to be an alpha, but also went ahead and treated you like one." He says sounding weirdly calm as he confesses his own hypocrisy. "Even now I'd never let you treat me the way I did you. I know it's unfair to ask you things I wasn't willing to give you but let's be honest, I've always treated you like an omega, I'm just twice as much of an asshole because you're an actual omega now."

Jungkook slowly nods his head. Taehyung is speaking some truth. He never had treated him like an actual alpha, he's always looked at him like an omega. It just hits home twice as hard now that he actually is one.

Things haven't changed. Jungkook has always been Taehyung's omega and now they have the right ranks to go along with a dynamic they had already established.

It's his refusal of submission that leads to all these troubles, as alpha and as omega. Taehyung would never hurt him purposely he knows that and he knows the elder is trying. He himself is trying too but he can't get himself to accept this sudden change.

"What do you think about me? Me becoming an omega?"

"I think you're scared, of loosing all your power which you won't. But look at yourself, you can play the role of alpha perfectly but inside, you are not. You shine brightest as my..." Taehyung pauses. "As my mate."

Mate? They are mates. They're destined to be and he knows he is more submissive to Taehyung than to anyone, but does that mean he should mindlessly bow down and accept his fate as omega? He doesn't want to be an omega, he's raised as alpha and with the opportunities of one. The world was at his feet and suddenly he has to fight for his right to be, even with his mate.

"Then how would you imagine us? If we were to be together?"

Taehyung smiles. "Just as us but less yelling and screaming. I have much to learn as alpha and I treated Jimin very wrong today but you also have much to learn as omega."

"That's not really an answer to my question. What would you do if we disagree on something?"

Taehyung frowns a little. "Right now? Probably get mad but once I've gained full control of my wolf, I'd probably discuss it with you and if we can't get ourselves to agree on something we'd have to agree to disagree."

It's a very honest answer. Taehyung knows he isn't being fair but he also know he can't just quit being like that in a matter of seconds. He's raised with a certain image of alpha's in his head, that imagine never changed. Yes, he said it's unfair to treat omega's the way Jungkook did but what he meant 'it's unfair to treat me this way' . Hence why he never truly lashed out to Jimin or Jin.

It was never about society it was about him.

Double update tonight?

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