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He knew this day was coming, the day he had to return to school. So, now he's seated in Hoseok's car, staring at the people passing by who are going to their classes. Too scared to get out and expose himself to the world.

The two other omega's sit in silence, unsure of how to encourage the new omega. Happy they came in early since they had seen this coming.

"Do you want me to call Jimin?" The eldest asks, only for Jungkook to shake his head.

"No, please call Taehyung." Part of him hates himself for needing and wanting the elder. But Taehyung had to do it before, raise his head and walk proud because he wasn't an alpha while everyone expected him to be.

Taehyung knows what it's like to feel weak while everyone expects you to be strong.

Within minutes Taehyung is stood besides the car, ushering the two other omega's out and getting in besides the worried omega.

"Hey what's wrong?" The elder asks, voice gentle, knowing the younger feels fragile.

"How did you do it, walk out like an omega when everyone expected you to be an alpha." Jungkook asks, sounding broken and afraid.

"I didn't, you know I didn't. I avoided contact with everyone." The alpha sighs but then softly tilts the omega's chin up a little.

"But we can do what we've always done. When we were young everyone thought of us as alpha's. We can do that again." Taehyung smiles. "You don't have to act like an omega just because you are one."

"But I flinch at everything." The younger confesses.

"That's because you as know how alpha's think about omega's. But you don't have to be afraid, I'll be right next to you and just like when we were young I'll make sure nothing bad will happen to you, I promise." The blue haired alpha says, before releasing the omega's chin. "You're not just an omega, you're Jungkook. You're still as strong as an alpha and you have an equally as powerful personality. Just because you're an omega now doesn't mean any of that has changed."

"I don't know." Jungkook sighs. "I'm scared and I hate myself for being scared."

"It's okay to be scared, hell I'm scared. But don't let that bring you down, I got you. Not only as alpha to omega but as friend, as mate."

Biting his lips Jungkook hesitates. Watching as Taehyung gets out of the car. Extending a hand towards him to help him out as well.

And he takes it, suddenly feeling a boost of confidence run through his body the second he touches Taehyung. Getting out the stand next to each other, Namjoon and Hoseok looking at them with smiles but the two only have eyes for each other.

"You promise I don't have to worry about anything?" Jungkook asks.

"Not a thing." Taehyung promises as they release each other's hand. "You just walk with your head up high and I'll protect you from anything."

The younger can't help but smile a little. "So... just like when we were young?"

Taehyung nods as they start walking.

"Just like when we were young."

(╮°-°)╮┳━━┳ ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻

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