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To Jungkook's surprise Taehyung takes a few deep breathes after have regained his balance.

"You grabbed me and I—"

"Give me a second." The elder snaps angrily, taking another deep breath as he rubs his face with his hands. Calming himself down as he ignores his wolf urge to grab the omega and mindlessly punish him.

Jungkook stands frozen unsure of what's about to happen.

"Okay." Taehyung then says. "That happened."


The alpha shakes his head. "I would like to punish you."

Jungkook cheeks flush as he shakes his head. "N-no! You pulled my arm and I didn't do it on purpose."

"I pulled you back because you were being really disrespectful, walking away in the middle of a discussion, refusing to talk about the situation." Taehyung sounds weirdly formal but at least he's staying calm as his wolf is no doubt raging.

Yes, he went overboard with Jimin, he knows that and he will apologise to his fellow alpha but for now Jungkook is his priority.

"No." Jungkook repeats, yet his wolf seems to think different. Howling sadly as the beast seems convinced it deserves to be punished.

"Why do you think your actions are not worthy of punishment?" The alpha asks, body tense.

"Because you were being really mean to Jimin, who's punishing you for that?!"

"I will go and apologise to Jimin and accept whatever he has in mind to get back at me." He says coldly only for Jungkook to frown.

"No, I don't want a punishment." The omega says, stubbornly crossing his arms. "I don't deserve one."

"Does your wolf say that?!" The elder snaps only for Jungkook to turn even redder than before as he turns away. "Y-yes."

"Liar." Taehyung growls.

"No means no." Is all the omega says, watching as Taehyung takes a deep breath before storming out of the room. The harsh sound of a door being slammed and things breaking on the other side.

Jungkook thinks for a few seconds. Why does his wolf think he deserves a punishment? What Taehyung did was not okay, why would he need to get punished for protecting himself?

When the alpha returns he looks a bit less tense. "Okay, so. Fine no punishment but please stop walking away when things get hard. It's disrespectful and won't solve anything."

Jungkook shrugs. "Then stop being such an asshole."

To his surprise te alpha laughs. "God, Jungkook. The things you do to me."

"Now you know how much it sucked having you as omega." The younger mutters only for Taehyung to nod as he goes to sit down once more.

"As an omega I was so fixated on getting rid of societies oppressing stereotypes while right now all I want is too lean into it." The alpha confesses, looking tired.

Jungkook goes to sit down with a little distance between the two.

"At least you listened to me." Jungkook says. "Not every alpha would do that. Some would've dragged me to the nearest bathroom in school and punished me there."

The elder grins. "So I did decently?"

"No you still did horrible and you hurt Jimin which is a major no-no, but what you said was right. When it was just you and me, you did hold back when I told you it was too much."

"So there's a start?" The elder asks, smiling as he notices the omega slowly starting to lean in closer.

"A teeny tiny little baby start." Jungkook confirms tiredly before freezing. "You still outed me at school, which was very uncool."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Do I get to punish you now?"

"No." Taehyung says with a bright smile. "If you can say no to punishment so can I."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "I'm never going to school again after the scene you created."

"We'll see about that."

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