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"You have to." Hoseok says, nudging the stubborn omega— who refuses to talk to Namjoon after the elder had yelled at him the other day.

"C'mon, it came out wrong but you of all people should know that happens sometimes."

Crossing his arms Jungkook shakes his head. "He can come apologise."

Taehyung chuckles. "And they say alpha pride is bad."

"I will kick you." The omega threatens only for Taehyung to shrug as he laughs.

"You'll do great as omega." Hoseok sighs back hugging the younger lovingly making Jungkook smile as he leans into the touch. Wondering why alpha's aren't so touchy, it's amazing.

"Oh you're not punching him?" He then asks the alpha, who shrugs.

"No, he's an omega."

"I can still suck—" Jungkook covers the elder's omega's mouth, laughing as whispers. "Shh, don't put such images in his head."

Taehyung groans. "This is unfair."

"Is it now mr alpha?" Hoseok teases, he and Jungkook laughing loudly while the alpha pinches his nose. Unsure, if he really is better of as alpha.

"Please shut up, you guys are bullies." He says, pouting adorably but Jungkook leans forward with a grin. "I learned from the best."

"Bully." The alpha shakes his head.

Hoseok giggles as he pokes the younger's side. "Don't go turning into Taehyung now." He teases, pulling the omega closer.

"What's made you so cuddly today?" Jungkook asks, not minding the cuddles at all. Actually a little sad that when elevator arrives and they have to part.

"Pre heat." Taehyung sighs. "He gets really touchy feely."

"Oh, I don't mind." He says allowing the elder omega to cling to him as they walk to Namjoon's door. Which is unlocked so they're free to enter.

"Oh the whole gang's here." Jungkook says as he sees Jin, Yoongi and Jimin already inside. Wondering how things will go with Tae and Jin in a room together.

Hoseok just goes to cuddle Jimin, leaving Jungkook to pout sadly. He really liked the cuddles and now he's cold. He doesn't want to ask Tae and he and Namjoon are not on good terms so he just takes a seat all on his own.

"So..." Jimin starts. "Who's going to apologise first?" The alpha looking around the room where everyone is stubbornly staring at the floor. Except for Yoongi who slowly shuffles to where Jungkook is seated.

Looking at the omega with wide eyes. Curious to the change that obviously happened. He knew Taehyung was an alpha now but he hadn't seen Jungkook at all the past month.

He shyly pokes Jungkook's belly. "Are you no longer an alpha?" The question is blunt but who can blame the poor kid. He's ten.

"Uh... no? I'm an omega now."

The kid smiles, his crush on Taehyung long forgotten as he stares at the omega in front of him with bright eyes. "So you're cool now?"

And no, being an omega isn't too bad now that he's accepting it a little, so he smiles brightly.

"The coolest."

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